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  1.The power of motherhood than the laws of nature.-- Barbara King Saul.母性的能量胜于大自然的规律。——芭芭拉·金索尔夫

  2.Loving mother of the arm is composed, the children could not sleep in it sweet? ( Hugo )母亲的手臂是仁慈组成的,小孩睡在里面怎会不甜?(维克多雨果)

  3. I was lucky to have loved my mother. -- Beethoven.“我的荣幸幸福我的母亲” ——贝多芬

  4Motherly love is how strong, selfish, fanatical to take the feelings of the whole heart. ( Duncan )母爱是多么的明显、自私自利、疯狂地占有大家整体内心的情感。(邓肯)

  5My life is from the eyes, fall in love with my mothers face began.-- George Eliot我的人生是以睁开眼,爱上我母亲的脸孔逐渐的。——乔冶·乔治艾略特

  6How much like the mother of the world! Their heart is always the same. Every mother has a very pure utter innocence. ( Whitman ) 全球的母亲多么的的相似!她们的心自始至终一样。每一个母亲都是有一颗极其天真的赤诚之心。(惠特曼)

  7A mother s voice is the most beautiful sound in the world! ( Dante )世界上一种最漂亮的响声,那就是母亲的呼唤。(但丁)

  8Mama where are you, where is the happiest place ( UK)母亲你在哪儿,哪里便是最愉快的地区(法国)

  9Maternal love is the greatest power in the world. ( mill)母爱是人世间最杰出的能量。(米尔)

  10hile women are vulnerable, the mother is strong ( France)女性虽然是敏感脆弱的,母亲则是顽强的(法国的)

  11he mother of my great love I had to use my work to verify thisLove is worth it. -- Chagall ( painter)母亲对我的心之杰出要我迫不得已我用的认真工作去认证这类子爱情是非常值得的。 ——夏加尔(绘画大师)

  12One of the most beautiful things in life is love, it is a selfless love, morality and the dwarf. ( Japan )人生美丽的物品之一便是母亲的爱,这也是无私的爱,社会道德与之相形见拙。(日本)

  13rom my mother, I was happy and tells the story of happiness.-- Goethe从母亲那边,我取得的是幸福快乐和说故事的开心。——施特劳斯

  14t is at our mothers knee, we acquire our noblest, most really Sincere and the most lofty ideals, but there is seldom any money.-- Mark Twain便是在大家母亲的膝上,我们就取得了大家的最大尚、更真 诚和比较远大的理想化,可是里边极少有一切钱财。 ——马可·司盘

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