Chandler: Oh Mon-Mon-Mon-Mon-look,this is the honeymoon suite. The room expects sex. The room would be disappointed if it didnrsquo;t get sex. All of the other honeymoon suites would think it was a loser. 钱德勒(这么好的口才,不当律师绝对是浪费):这是蜜月套房,它的价值在于创造浪漫。如果得不到浪漫的场景,其他蜜月套房都会看不起。 Monica: Well,an-anyway,I justmdash;that night meant a lot to me,I guess Irsquo;m just trying to say thanks. 那天晚上我的心情真的很糟糕,所以非常感谢你,那天晚上对我来说意义重大。 Chandler: Oh. Yrsquo;know,that night meant a lot to me too,and it wasnrsquo;t because I was in a bad place or anything,it just meant a lot to me lsquo;cause,yoursquo;re really hot! 那天晚上对我来说意义重大,不是因为心情不好,而是因为你是个漂亮晕倒的女孩。 Chandler: If I39;m the best,it39;s only because you39;ve made me the best.I mean I was nothing before you. Call the other girls and ask. Which wouldn39;t take long. But when I39;m with you,and we39;re together,OHhellip;MYhellip;GOD. 如果我能成为最好的,那一定是因为你。在我和你在一起之前,我一无是处。太糟糕了。我不相信你打电话问我以前的女朋友。不管怎样,很少有人花很长时间。 Emily: All right. I39;ll come to New York and we39;ll try and make this work. Ross: Oh that is so great! That39;shellip; Emily: (interrupting him) As long as you don39;t see Rachel anymore. 埃米利答应原谅罗斯。她搬到纽约的唯一条件是罗斯以后再也见不到瑞秋了。罗斯在痛苦中做出了选择。蒙在鼓里的瑞秋也为罗斯和他的妻子感到高兴和鼓舞。她竖起大拇指拥抱罗斯真的很痛苦! Ross: There39;re plenty of people who just see their sisters at Thanksgiving and just see their college roommates at reunions and just see Joey at Burger King. So is,is that better? 大多数人只能在感恩节见到妹妹,在同学聚会上见到大学室友,在汉堡店遇到乔伊。让我退出,没关系。 Rachel: No,it39;s not better. I still don39;t get to see you. 有关系,因为我还是看不见你。 为了和埃米利结婚,罗斯发誓再也见不到瑞秋了。说到姐姐和室友,虽然举重若轻,但却凸显了这段感情的罕见。 Monica: Chandler that39;s crazy! If you give up every time you39;d have a fight with someone you39;d never be with anyone longer thanmdash;Ohhh! (They both realize something there.) You are so cute! No. No,it was a fight. You deal with it and move on! It39;s nothing to freak out about. 如果你和爱人吵架意味着分手,你永远不会有长久的感情这只是一场争吵,我们说,感情会更进一步 不幸的是,马修和我在生活中都是如此,他们天生害怕争吵。也许莫尼卡是对的,也许有一天我会长大成熟,有一段更长的关系。毕竟,莫尼卡的后半段仍然很有吸引力。 Chandler: He39;s a pimp! Yes,he39;s a pimp. He39;s a big,tap dancing pimp! 他是拉皮条的,喜欢半夜起来跳踢踏舞。 罗斯的神经质让扰了他的兄弟们。他们准备踢他出去,为罗斯找一套非常糟糕的公寓(除了厨房和浴室的整合,公寓真的很像我的家人)。但后来,他陷入了深深的自责。当公寓打电话询问罗斯的情况时,钱德勒把罗斯说成拉皮条,弄黄了新公寓,留下了好兄弟。 Chandler: Oh yeah,it was great. You should be a chef. Fat Monica: Okay! 1992年感恩节,莫尼卡真的是厨师,因为钱德勒的礼貌话,因为钱德勒说她fat一年减了100多磅,大家都说罗斯深情,他妹妹比他绝对一点不差。 Joey: Well,I39;m Joey. Yeah,I39;m disgusting. 乔伊为了掩护鸳鸯,被误解有这句名言。 Rachel: 39;Kay. (Pause.) Congratulations on your new job. (She goes and hugs Monica and is almost in tears.) 瑞秋想揭露莫尼卡和钱德勒之间的关系,但她听说莫尼卡因为没有告诉她而感到内疚。所以假装不知道,假装相信莫尼卡做了一份兼职工作来帮助钱德勒打扫房间,含泪祝贺她找到了一份新工作。 Phoebe: Oh yeah,no-no-no. I39;m fine. I39;m okay,but umm,my Grandma sorta died. Joey: Pheebs! Sorry! Phoebe: It39;s okay,I mean she had a really incredible life. And it39;s not like I39;m never gonna see her again,y39;know she39;s gonna visit. 菲比的祖母去世了,但他对死亡有着特殊的态度。她觉得祖母的生活足够美好,没有遗憾,她觉得祖母会回来看她,而不是真正离开(迷信的唯一好处)。 Phoebe: Really?! What39;s your name? Man: Umm,Frank Buffay. 弗兰克是全剧最震撼的名字之一bull;布费,虽然我们见过小弗兰克甚至小弗兰克,但他的出现却出乎意料。 Frank Sr.: Yes. Yes it is. I burned the formula and I put your diapers on backwards. I mean,I made up a song to sing you to sleep,but that made you cry even more! Let39;s see,how did it,how did it go. Umm. (Singing.) Sleepy girl,sleepy girl. Why won39;t you go to sleep? Sleepy girl,sleepy girl. You39;re,you39;re,you39;re keeping me uppp! (Yeah,that39;s to the tune of Smelly Cat.) 我是个糟糕的父亲,煮糊了你们的吃的,穿反了你们的尿布,我还编了首歌哄你们入睡,结果你们却哭得更凶了小娇娇,小娇娇,你为什么不睡觉?小娇娇,小娇娇,伤害我也睡不着 对这个不负责任的人的怨恨,就在这首歌,在这熟悉的旋律里淡化了,从这开始,菲比终于有了一个爸爸。 Ross: My best friend and my sister! I cannot believe this. 罗斯用完全不同的情绪说了同样的两句话。情绪转变的原因是他发现他的好朋友和妹妹是真爱。看着这个狂躁的病人,他真的觉得鸳鸯很幸福,罗斯也很幸福。 Chandler: Yeah! I39;ve never been in a relationship that39;s lasted this long before. Y39;know to get past the beginning and still be around each other all the time,I think that39;s pretty incredible. And the fact that this is happening all with you,yeah I think that39;s pretty exciting. (Kisses her.) 我从来没有恋爱过这么久。在爱情开始的狂热阶段之后,我愿意和对方在一起,这本身就是一个奇迹。更令人高兴的是,当我创造这个奇迹时,我和你在一起。 Rachel: Hey! Hey! (Stops Caitlin) Hi! Hey-hey-hey,I39;m Rachel! From upstairs? The ones with all the pizza? 罗斯科普的调情吓跑了披萨女孩。看到他迷路了,瑞秋竟然给他打电话追女孩。这个傻姐姐也很感人。 Chandler: It39;s a four. 赌桌 |