1、不要听什么信什么。一个故事总是有三方面:你成年礼励志文案的成年礼励志文案,成年礼励志文案他们的和真相。 Don't believe everything you hear.there are always three sides to a story:yours,theirs and the truth. 2、不要爱得太深,直到你确信对方也以同样的深度爱着你。因为今天你爱的深度,就是明天你伤口的深度。 Don't love too deeply until you are sure that the other person loves you with the same depth.because the depth of your love today is the depth of your wound tomorrow. ![]() 3、小心你忽略的东西。有时候你忽略的东西恰恰是你更需要的。 Be careful of what you ignore.sometimes what you ignore is what you need more. 4、不是每个好友请求都是好友请求。有些只是监控摄像头。 Not every friend request is a friend request.some are just surveillace cameras. ![]() 5、永远不要认为别人喜欢你是因为你的甜蜜,你只是成年礼励志文案他们无聊时的一个选择。 Never assume that someone likes you for your sweetness sometimes,you are just an option when they are bored. 6、有时候,让你动情的并不是歌曲。而是当你听到它时脑海中浮现的人和事。 Sometimes it's not the song that makes you emotional.it's the people and things that come to your mind when you hear it. ![]() 7、如果你跌倒成年礼励志文案了,失去了你的火花,也没关系。只要确保当你重新站起来的时候,你就会变成一团火。 It's ok if you fall down and lose your spark.just make sure that when you get back up,you rise as the whole damn fire. 8、不要对生活想太多,相信自己做了正确的决定,然后继续成长。 Dont overthink life.trust that you made the right decision and continue to grow. ![]() 9、成熟就是明知对方在说谎,却莞尔一笑,不再计较。 Maturity is when you know the other person is lying but you jsut smile and let it go. |
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