【its not enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do whats required 有时,关键的并不是保证最好是,反而是符合要求】 【absence of occupation is not rest, a mind quite vacant is a mind distress. 浑浑噩噩并不是歇息,十分空虚的心灵是痛楚的内心。】 the future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of sixty minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is. 将来是那样一件东西,每个人以每钟头六十分鐘的速率朝它走去,无论他干什么,也无论这是谁. 【the purpose of learning is growth, and our minds, unlike our bodies, can continue growing as long as we live 学习的目地是为了更好地发展,观念有别于身体,它伴随着年纪的提高而持续完善】 【the most wasted day of all is that during which we have not laughed. 最消耗的日子是沒有欢笑声的日子】 |