King Zeus fuck just miss False Judas KO! TIng. emoji hours Healer Sinner healer lonely Agoni° Shine° giagia- goddess superme Assassin LGkiller The pupL 鹿super Kimberley ONLY、me TheLonely _--_weiyi Angel tear Let it go. Loving You Monster! Roly poly, WE ARE ONE sun☀ A suny girl BlitzkrieG. Confidentia Dai eyebrow Distance╯ Forget you. Let you go! Onlywaiting Poison. 药 Smile璀璨 Tears伤心 Without You ____Fusheng darkness、 stray迷途 Enemy 宿敌 Painful love Shero☀ Star°时光 Weirdo怪咖 Zero-.零笙 almost lover iiiiiamdoris pretty boy . 半夏vienna Camouflage丶 I will be bak après 后来 ° i love you 念旧 cunese 记得等我. Alice☆灵魂 China☆狼群 Fallen(沉沦) Honey the girl Letdown 无心 Limited 局限 Small whispers Thunder,雷电 Unravel 拆散 _Kiss丶糖果 faint-情陷° lose and dream vision✨ 〤 Cloud LoVe 亡命.Honoria 空白°Baron. Escape [逃脱] HaDean丨名流 Lifeline 命脉 Selfish motives Thorough 透彻 Weak. 懦弱。 lonely (孤独) the sunshine、 心锁 Soul ≈ G-Dragon ☀ Geek(怪咖) Memory.荒年〆 Rose(罗斯) Tremble [颤抖] but what is that i am right here. nostalgic 念旧 ンHero丶卡门 丿Ares丶倾城 温唇°sunshine Crazy丶记忆。 Exaggerate 浮夸 He belong with me Joke.(笑话) Lethe(忘却) Ocean eyes☀ Unique▼ 挚爱o heart。梦出发 on my lady☼ sunny独霸天下 心疤(heart) DECADENT(颓废) Fickle(薄情) No prince princess No princess prince Right here waiting Secret(秘密) Shameless, no love Warm light(温暖) one day l will die suspicion (猜疑) °interment 埋葬 Crazy°矜持瘋紙 Emotiona°要珍惜 Hello,King☀ The monument 残碑 You are my sunshine 丿Foreyer┊不離 倾城°Allure Love Irresistible.☀ Lifetime(一生) Light Bulb 电灯泡 Remember Ro Wait Me. The reborn 重生者 sleepwalking. 梦游 巴黎芷昰个dream Feel sad 感到悲伤 Not stingy. 不吝啬 Pretend▲ 虚 伪! biong biong 猪猪。 clarifh[表白]° tfboys、发光少年 瞬间”Heart Attack Hope that you are well Xummer. [黑色森林] 夏沫"NeverGive forme(对我来说) suki、________________ twice-born 重获新生 Deceive oneself and othe Unworthy (不值得) Deprecating。(讽刺) °♡Yesterday ♡ |
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