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  1)【“撩妹”常用的英文表述】chase after 追求完美,chase是追逐的意思,中国的女孩子都较为羞涩,因此男孩子一般非常积极,chase after the girls便是追求完美女生. 较为习惯性偏向生活的表述是:pick up hot chicks,hot chicks是男孩儿对女生的叫法,尤其是好看小姑娘,肯定地道!

  2)【学习几类家常小炒的英文别名】宫保鸡丁spicy diced chicken with peanuts(kung pao chicken);炒青椒fried green pepper;炒白菜saute vegetable;白菜粉丝chinese vermicelli with cabbage;炒肉末fried minced meat;红烩牛肉stewed beef

  3)【圣诞节专题讲座】—温暖地道的圣诞英文祝福语:christmas comes but once a year. but when it comes it brings good cheer.圣诞节一年只要一次,但每一次到来都产生愉悦。wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful christmas season.但愿有着圣诞全部美好祝福。

  4)【美国韵味的英语口语】he is the pain on neck. 他真令人反感。you bet! 一定,自然!my hands are full right now. 现在我比较忙。shoot the breeze. 闲聊。what brought you here? 什么风将你吹来啦?here we are! 大家到了!im bored to death. 我无聊死了。

  5)【情话连篇】假如我可以再次来排序英文字母,我想把u(你)跟 i(我)排在一起。if i could rearrange the alphabet, i’d put u and i together.

  6)【打喷嚏的车速】人打喷涕时,口中的空气速率高于每钟头100公里。a sneeze travels out your mouth at over 100 m.p.h..

  7)【淑女time】dress shabbily and they remember the dress; dress impeccably and they remember the woman. 衣着陈旧,则大家记住衣服裤子;衣着没有时间,则大家记住衣服裤子里的女性。

  8)【怎么讲“我决不嫁给你”】普通高中水准:i will never marry you.高考考试:never will i marry you.四级:you are the last man i am willing to marry.六级:under no circumstances will i marry you.【gre】:if you were the last man in the world, i would definitely remain single.

  9)【品位美国电影中的经典英语台词】made it, ma!top of the world!好好地去做吧,立在国际舞台!(《歼匪喋血战》1949) ;im as mad as hell,and i'm not going to take this anymore!我玩命得好似炼狱中的魔鬼,我是不会再如此坚持下去了!(《电视台风云》1976)

  10)【你能了解这一普通话绕口令吗】 if one doctor doctors anther doctor, does the doctor who doctors the doctor doctors the doctor the way the doctor is doctoring doctors? or does the doctor doctor the way the doctor who doctors doctors?

  11)【怎样用十种语言表达说圣诞节快乐】1.english 英文you already know that one, but what about these? 2.french 法文joyeux noel 3.spanish 西语feliz navidad 4.italian 意大利文buen natale 5.german 德语frhliche weinachten 6.swedish 瑞典语god jul 7.welsh 威尔士语nadoilg llawen

  12)【不必不懂装懂的英语】sporting house 窑子(并不是“体育文化室”) dead president 美元(上印着美国总统头像图片)(并不是“去世了的美国总统”) lover 恋人(并不是“恋人”)busboy 餐饮店勤杂工(并不是“公汽检票员”)busybody 欺软怕硬的人(并不是“大忙人”)dry goods (美)纺织产品.(英)谷类(并不是“干货知识”)



  15)my advantage is that i am handsome, but my disadvantage is that the handsomeness is not so obvious.


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