1、Good luck in the new year. 2、I wish you a happy New Year! 3、拜年越早,福气越好! 4、新年快乐,心想事成! 5、新春来临,路遇财神。 6、Wish you a happy New Years Eve! 7、Happy New Years Eve, happy mood. 8、May love return sweet and round. 9、I wish you a happy New Years Eve! 10、祝春节快乐,阖家幸福! 11、I wish you success in your career. 12、I wish you happiness and happiness. 13、吉祥跟你跑,幸福对你笑。 14、愿你幸福,新年走的更远。 15、祝你新春快乐,福伴福随! 16、祝你新春愉快,快乐常在! 17、Id like to send you a happy new year. 18、Happy new year and everything you want! 19、品味幸福,缔造牛年的美满。 20、祝福你除夕快乐,鸿运当头! 21、Cut a red window, cut out a smooth life. 22、愿事业盼成功归来,团团圆圆。 23、愿爱情盼甜蜜归来,团团圆圆。 24、深深祝愿除夕快乐,福运同行! 25、画个句号祝福你,新年家团聚。 26、祝你新年新气象,新年交好运。 27、I wish you good luck in the year of the ox! 28、新春到了,愿你快乐,幸福平安! 29、祝你牛年大吉,幸福永远属于你! 30、Draw a full stop to wish you a happy new year. 31、祝你新的一年,A股指数不低于2021! 32、A blessing, send to the new year, work smoothly! 33、May you be happy and go further in the new year. 34、一年要比一年好,生活美满阖家欢。 35、健康快乐好福气,合家欢乐幸福年。 36、剪张红窗花,剪出顺顺利利的人生。 37、办年货,备佳肴,合家欢乐真热闹。 38、愿你除去身疲惫,精神焕发换新颜。 39、愿老人盼子孙平安归来,团团圆圆。 40、新年到,福气罩,健康快乐直到老。 41、新年来临探亲人,愿你心间胜暖春。 42、春节到了,只愿你的世界春光无限! 43、春节来临信息传,愿你轻松长悠闲。 44、春节来临祝福你,祝你新年喜连连。 45、欢欢喜喜迎除夕,快快乐乐好心情。 46、祝你春节吉安康,幸福生活敬你享。 47、祝你牛年交好运,心想事成万事顺! 48、祝福心情赛蜜糖,祈福今世乐逍遥。 49、福禄寿全今宵到,来年万事笑弯腰。 50、过完新春是新年,美好祝福送不完。 51、送你一只吉祥号,愿你来年步步高。 52、送你一声新年好,愿你好运时时扰。 53、除去一年的忙碌,带来今时的悠闲。 54、The earlier New Years greetings, the better luck! 55、Wish you a happy Spring Festival and a happy life. 56、Auspicious to run with you, happiness to you smile. 57、Health, happiness, good fortune, happy family year. 58、一声祝福,寄往新年,工作顺顺利利! 59、新春祝福格外精彩,愿你牛年笑开怀! 60、牛年到了,愿你一年到头都有好运气! 61、送快乐,送平安,好运的事儿堆成山。 62、I wish you a happy Spring Festival and a happy family! 63、祝你春节快乐好运道,阖家幸福多欢笑! 64、祝佳节温馨,全家幸福美满,春节快乐! 65、May you get rid of your fatigue and rejuvenate yourself. 66、Apart from the busy year, it brings the leisure of today. 67、Happiness, peace and good luck are piled up in mountains. 68、除夕到了,祝你乐观向上,勇当幸福先锋! 69、I wish you happiness and happiness in the Spring Festival. 70、When the Spring Festival comes, we meet the God of wealth. 71、Wish you a new year, A-share index is not lower than 2021! 72、New year to, blessing mask, health and happiness until old. 73、The Spring Festival is coming. I wish you a happy new year. 74、I wish the old man and his children a happy and safe return. 75、愿我的祝福陪你迎接新的一年,祝春节快乐! 76、春节了,祝阖家幸福,万事如意,快乐常在! 77、Spring Festival is coming. I wish you a long and relaxed life. 78、Taste happiness and create the happiness of the year of the ox. 79、心意到,愿你新春佳节快快乐乐,幸福一辈子。 80、愿你春节快乐,生活美满幸福,家人平安健康! 81、新年到,送你声祝福,日日平安,天天心情好。 82、After the new year is the new year, good wishes to send endless. 83、Spring Festival has arrived, only wish your world spring infinite! 84、春节之际,愿您好运永伴,幸福永驻,快乐永随! 85、春节了,祝合家幸福快乐,万事如意,梦想成真。 86、除夕之夜,祝你身体健康,万事如意,新年大发! 87、Send you an auspicious number, wish you step up in the coming year. 88、The year of the ox is coming. May you have good luck all year round! 89、I wish you a warm holiday, a happy family and a happy Spring Festival! 90、Do new year goods, prepare delicious food, family joy is really lively. 91、The Spring Festival is coming, wish you happiness, happiness and peace! 92、Good luck in the year of the ox and happiness will always belong to you! 93、恭祝大家春节好,岁岁平安吉星照,恭喜发财步步高。 94、新一年来新开始,在此祝愿新年好,健康快乐财富多! 95、春节到,送你一副红对联,贴在家门前,吉祥常来到。 96、Wish friends: happy new year, bright future, moist life, dream come true! 97、On New Years Eve, I wish you good health and all the best in the new year! 98、New year to send you a blessing, every day peace, every day in a good mood. 99、祝愿朋友:新年快乐,前程似锦,生活滋润,美梦成真! 100、祝福你在新的一年里,万事随缘,快乐相连,幸福牛年! 101、I wish you a happy Spring Festival, good luck, a happy family, more laughter! 102、Spring Festival, I wish the family happiness, all the best, dreams come true. 103、Wish you a happy Spring Festival, a happy life and a safe and healthy family! 104、亲朋相至备盛宴,新年顺畅更团圆。祝除夕快乐!大吉大利! 105、愿你天天快乐,周周开心,月月健康,季季平安,年年幸福! 106、Spring Festival, I wish the whole family happiness, all the best, happiness always! 107、The year is better than the year before. The life is happy and the family is happy. 108、The new years blessing is particularly wonderful. I wish you a happy year of the ox! 109、On the occasion of the Spring Festival, I wish you good luck, happiness and happiness! 110、When the new year comes to visit your relatives, I wish you a warm spring in your heart. 111、May my blessing accompany you to welcome the new year, I wish you a happy Spring Festival! 112、Wish you happy every day, happy week, month and month, safe season, happy year after year! 113、New years Eve is here, I wish you to be optimistic and brave to be the pioneer of happiness! 114、New year to start a new year, here I wish a happy new year, health and happiness, more wealth! 115、Wish you in the new year, everything goes with the luck, happy connected, happy year of the ox! 116、Spring Festival, send you a pair of red couplets, paste in front of your home, auspicious often come. 117、I wish you all a good Spring Festival, a year of peace, auspicious photos, congratulations on getting rich step by step. 118、All the good fortune and longevity will come tonight, and everything will be smiling and bending down in the coming year. 119、Family and friends to prepare a feast, the new year smooth and more reunion. Happy New Years Eve! the most favorable auspices! |
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