1、Country Garden, a cradle for dreams! 2、Country Garden, a platform for talents! 3、碧桂园,是大家放飞梦想的天上! 4、衷心祝愿碧桂园灿烂光辉!鸿途大展! 5、Wish her a more prosperous and successful future! 6、碧桂园,是大家施展才能的演出舞台! 7、热烈的祝贺碧桂园集团公司20周年华诞! 8、我们都是佛山顺德碧桂园物业服务公司的职工。 9、Country Garden, your five-star home, needs your love and support! 10、On behalf of Shunde Property Management Company of Country Garden, 11、期待碧桂园因大家的来到而显得愈发漂亮!更为幸福! 12、碧桂园---给您一个五星级的家!大家一同用心守护她! 13、Blessings for the 20th anniversary celebration of Country Garden Group 14、<<碧桂园集团公司20周年庆祝福语 >>(中英文版) 15、Let us build a more beautiful Country Garden,and develop a better society! 16、We would like to extend our warmest congratulations and best wishes to Country Garden Group on the occasion of her 20th anniversary. |
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