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Maya: You Know,Can I ask you a personal question?


Miles: Sure.


Maya: Why are you so into Pinot Noir. I mean,itrsquo;s like a thing with you.

为什么你这么着迷?pinot Noir。就像你的爱好一样。

Miles: I don39;t know,Um,it39;s a hard grape to grow,as you know,right? It39;s thin-skinned,temperamental,ripens early,you know. It39;s not a survivor like Cabernet,which can just grow anywhere and thrive even when it39;s neglected. No,Pinot Noir needs constant care and attention. In fact,it can grow only in these really specific tucked-away corners of the world. And only the most patient and nurturing of growers can do it,really. Only somebody who really takes the time to understand Pinot Noir39;s potential can then coax it into its full expression. And then,I mean,oh,it39;s flavors. They39;re just the most haunting and brilliant and thrilling and subtle and ancient on the planet. No,I mean you know,cabernets can be powerful and exalting too,but they seem prosaic to me,by comparison. What about you?

我不知道。这是一种很难种植的葡萄。你知道吗?它的皮肤很薄,非常敏感,早熟。cabernet黑葡萄也很容易在任何地方生长,即使被忽视了。Pinot noir 需要不断的照顾和关注。它只生长在世界上隐藏的特殊角落,只有园丁最大的耐心和培养才能让它成长。只有愿意花时间去理解Pinot Noir 人们可以理解它的潜力,感受它所有的表情。我的意思是味道。它是世界上最长的味道(haunting),最夺目(brilliant),最精致(subtle),最古老(ancient)我说红酒也可以很有活力,但想比较一下,cabernet俗气。你呢?

Maya: what about me?

Miles: I don39;t know,why are you into wine?


Maya: oh,I39;m I think I ,I originally got into wine through my ex-husband,you know. He had this big,you know,sort of show-off cellar,you know. But then I discovered I had a really sharp palate. And the more I drank,the more I liked what it made me think about.


Miles: like what?


Maya: Like what a fraud he was. No,I like to think about the life of wine,you know. How itrsquo;s a living thing. I like to think about what was going on the year of grapes were growing. How the sun was shining,if it rained. I like to think about all the people who tended and picked the grapes. And if it is an old wine,how many of them must be dead by now. I like how wine continues to evolve,like if I opened a bottle of wine today,it would taste different than if I opened it on any other day. Because a bottle of wine is actually alive,and it is constantly evolving and gaining complexity. That is until it peaks,like you rsquo; and then it begins its steady,inevitable declinehellip;



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