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1、 林肯 . a .

2、 stanislars i,polish king

3、 英国作家 王尔德. o.

4、 批评家 洛威尔.j. r .

5、 英国人 柯勒津. s .t .

6、 波兰国王 斯坦尼劳斯

7、 samuel smiles,british writer

8、 oscar wilde,british dramatist

9、 英国作家 斯迈尔斯. s .

10、 英国政治家丘吉尔 ,w.

11、 塞万提斯,班牙作家,m.

12、 grorge henry lewis ,british writer

13、 miguel de cervantes,spanish writer

14、 abraham lincoln ,american president

15、 samuel tylor coleridge,british poet

16、 winston churchill. british statesman

17、 all is but lip-wisdom that wants experience.

18、 美国哲学家、西班牙人 桑塔亚那,g.

19、 世界的悲剧在于缺乏想象力,而有些人缺乏想象力。

20、 one thorn nbsp; of experience is worth a whole wildernessnbsp; of warning. james russell lowell,british poet and critic

21、 the at difficulty in education is to get experience out of ideas. grorge santayana,spain-born american philosopher and poet

22、 the tragedy of the world is that those who are imaginative have but slight experience,and those who are experienced have feeble imaginations.

23、 不要相信或否认任何事情,因为其他人相信或否认。上帝给了你一个判断真理和谬误的想法。然后你就用它/

24、 neither beliver nor reject anything,ause any other person has rejected of believed it . heaven has given you a mind for judging truth and error,. use it.

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