1、[周年庆祝] May your Diamond Wedding Anniversary be a happy occasion of wonderful memories for you both. 2、[周年纪念庆祝] Best wishes on your anniversary. For happiness is always due to a couple as fine as you! 3、[周年纪念庆祝] On your Silver Wedding Anniversary―Yesterdayhellip;memories, todayhellip;happiness, alwayshellip;love. 4、[周年庆祝] Congratulations on your Diamond Anniversary! 60 years filled with love and caring, marked by this wonderful day. 5、[周年庆祝] Its your day for happy memories and for celebrating, too. Its the perfect day for wishing every happiness for you. 6、 7、[周年庆祝] Happiness is always enhanced by the good wishes of others! This very special day means so much to all of us. Happy Anniversary! 8、[周年纪念庆祝] Congratulations on your wedding anniversary and best wishes for a future that just keeps getting better! Happy Anniversary! 9、[周年纪念庆祝] May the 50 years youve shared return in golden memories for youhellip;May your happiness today become a golden memory. Happy Anniversary! |
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