1、祝福语英文版 2、With best wishes for a happy New Year! 3、A happy New Year to you.恭贺新年。 4、祝新年快乐,并致以良好的祝福。 5、With the compliments of the season.祝贺佳节。 6、Please accept my seasons greetings.请接受我节日的祝贺。 7、Seasons greetings and best wishes for the New Year.祝福您,新年快乐。 8、May the seasons joy fill you all the year round.愿节日的愉快伴你一生。 9、May the joy and happiness around you today and always.愿快乐幸福永伴你左右。 10、I hope you have a most happy and prosperous New Year.谨祝新年快乐幸福,大吉大利。 11、Best wishes for the holidays and happiness throughout the New Year.恭贺新禧,万事如意。 12、Good health, good luck and much happiness throughout the year.恭祝健康、幸运,新年快乐。 13、May the coming New Year bring you joy, love and peace.愿新年为你带来快乐,友爱和宁静。 14、Wishing you happiness during the holidays and throughout the New Year.祝节日快乐,新年幸福。 15、With very best wishes for your happiness in the New Year.致以最良好的祝福,原你新年快乐幸福。 16、Good luck, good health, hood cheer. I wish you a happy New Year.祝好运、健康、佳肴伴你度过一个快乐新年。 17、To wish you joy at this holy season. Wishing every happiness will always be with you.恭祝新年吉祥,幸福和欢乐与你同在。 18、Please accept our wishes for you and yours for a happy New Year.请接受我们对你及你全家的美好祝福,祝你们新年快乐。 19、Please accept my sincere wishes for the New Year. I hope you will continue to enjoy good health.请接受我诚挚的新年祝福,顺祝身体健康。 20、Seasons greetings and sincere wishes for a bright and happy New Year!献上节日的问候与祝福,愿你拥有一个充满生机和欢乐的新年。 21、Allow me to congratulate you on the arrival of the New Year and to extend to you all my best wishes for your perfect health and lasting prosperity.请允许我祝贺你在新的一年,向你表示最衷心的祝福你身体健康、事业发达。 |
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