1、一个人时,善待自己;两个人时,善待对方。 A person, treat yourself; two people, they treat each other 2、要明白,你用真心对别人,别人未必会用真心对你! See, your heart to others, others will not use the sincerity to you! 3、人生是一场博弈,你不去规划人生,人生就要来规划你。 Life is a game, you don t go to plan for life, life is to plan your 4、我们缺少的不是机会,而是在机会面前将自己重新归零的勇气。 What we lack is not chance, but in front of the chance to zero courage 5、不要想着依靠别人,要有目标有追求,这与年龄无关。 Don t rely on others, there must be goals to pursue, it has nothing to do with age 6、人生就像呼吸,呼是为了争一口气,吸是为了出一口气。 Life is like breathing, it is in order to fight for breath, breath to breath out 7、有些路看起来很近走去却很远的,缺少耐心永远走不到头。 Some roads seem close to is far away, the lack of patience will walk not to the end 8、命运就像天气,可以尽努力地去预料,但往往出乎意料。 Fate is like the weather, can try hard to predict, but often exceeding one s expectations 9、没用的东西,再便宜也不要买;不爱的人,再寂寞也不要依赖。 Something useless, again cheap also do not buy; don t love people more lonely, do not rely on 10、当誓言变成了一时失言,那么所有的曾经就让它像屁一样烟消云散吧。 When the oath to become a slip of the tongue, then all have let it disappear in smoke like a fart |
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