男耕女织造句写一句话简单的 (1)、这位顾大爷就是顾大娘的丈夫,名叫顾文伦,据传以前做过官,职位还很高,但不知何故辞官不做了,带着老婆来到沛县务农,男耕女织不问世事。 (2)、一派温馨的家和万事兴,男耕女织,父慈子孝,其乐融融。 (3)、陶渊明在后半生隐居在田园之中过着男耕女织的生活。 (4)、每日介,出则男耕女织,归则携手双宿,日子倒也快活。 (5)、无忌哥,从今以后我陪着你,等到救出了你太师父他们,咱们二人去冰火岛,永不再踏入中原,从此男耕女织,过那般神仙逍遥的日子,你说好不好。 (6)、您见过手推磨、织布机、纺纱车吗?这些陈旧的回忆将带您领略儿时的快乐时光,体验古朴民居男耕女织的梦幻景象。 (7)、这里幽谷飞泉,温暖如春,花如织锦;这里群山耸翠,村树含烟,阡陌纵横;这里男耕女织,相敬如宾,和如琴瑟;这里牧歌阵阵,童叟嬉戏,怡然自乐…… (8)、一个男耕女织,知疼知热心里时时想着我的姑娘;一个意志独立,能让我回复清醒的姑娘;一个聪慧娴雅,闺房里让我描眉更懂甚于描眉之乐的姑娘。 (9)、这已不再是一个男尊女卑、男耕女织、男唱女随、男上女下的年代。 (10)、男耕女织,杏花菖叶,大巷小巷童谣歌。 (11)、有了太阳我们才能看见灿烂的光芒,有了地球我们才能过上男耕女织的生活,有了夜晚我们才能欣赏星光璀璨的神奇,有了你我才知道了什么是美丽大方。祝你生日快乐! (12)、先祖圣武德仁皇帝四征北羯,东定胡卑,八方诸侯望风归顺,从此天下大统,百姓再无兵戈之灾,男耕女织,物阜民安。 (13)、这里家家互通有无,不分彼此,休戚相关,情同骨肉,这里日出而作,日入而息,男耕女织,人人勤俭。 (14)、这就好像你在家里男耕女织过的很惬意,自给自足,可忽然来伙强盗,非得要你和他们做生意。 (15)、迢迢银河星璀璨,牛郎织女遥相望。两情相悦是当年,男耕女织心悠然。天庭法度何森严,金簪一划难相见。年年鹊桥续前缘,含情脉脉诉衷肠。 男耕女织造句带有中英文翻译写一段话 (1)、陶渊明的后半生隐居在田园之中过着男耕女织的生活。 (1) Tao Yuanming lived in seclusion in the countryside in the latter half of his life, living a life of farming men and weaving women. (2)、这里家家互通有无,不分彼此,休戚相关,情同骨肉,这里日出而作,日入而息,男耕女织,人人勤俭。 (2) every family here is connected with each other, regardless of their needs. They are close to each other and share the same flesh and blood. Here, they work at sunrise and rest at sunrise, men farm and women weave, and everyone is industrious and thrifty. (3)、二弟!大哥也有此意,我与你嫂嫂商议,我们回乡后,用这几年积攒下的俸禄,买几块好一点的田地,劝课农桑,男耕女织,岂不妙哉! (3) second brother! The elder brother also has this idea. I'll discuss with your sister-in-law that after we go back to our hometown, we can use the salary we have accumulated in recent years to buy some better fields, and persuade us to farm mulberry and men to farm and women to weave (4)、迢迢银河星璀璨,牛郎织女遥相望。两情相悦是当年,男耕女织心悠然。天庭法度何森严,金簪一划难相见。年年鹊桥续前缘,含情脉脉诉衷肠。 (4) far away, the Milky Way stars are shining, the Cowherd and the weaver girl are facing each other. It was at that time that men and women were happy with each other. The law of heaven is so strict that the golden hairpin is hard to meet. Every year, the magpie bridge continues to lead the way, expressing its feelings. (5)、男耕女织,杏花菖叶,大巷小巷童谣歌。 (5) men's farming and women's weaving, apricot flowers and Acorus leaves, and nursery rhymes in the alleys and alleys. (6)、凌东村是一个距离凌云山比较远的小山村,村里人不多,平日里也过得男耕女织也是过得相当快活。 (6) Lingdong village is a small mountain village far away from Lingyun mountain. There are not many people in the village. On weekdays, men farm and women weave, and they are very happy. (7)、先祖圣武德仁皇帝四征北羯,东定胡卑,八方诸侯望风归顺,从此天下大统,百姓再无兵戈之灾,男耕女织,物阜民安。 (7) Emperor shengwuderen, the forefather, made four expeditions to Beijie, settled Hubei in the East, and the princes of all directions were obedient. From then on, the whole world was unified, and the people were no longer plagued by war. Men were farming and women were weaving, and the people were well-off. (8)、有了太阳我们才能看见灿烂的光芒,有了地球我们才能过上男耕女织的生活,有了夜晚我们才能欣赏星光璀璨的神奇,有了你我才知道了什么是美丽大方。祝你生日快乐! (8) with the sun, we can see the brilliant light; with the earth, we can live a man's life; with the night, we can enjoy the magic of the stars; with you, I can know what is beautiful and generous. Happy birthday to you! (9)、一派温馨的家和万事兴,男耕女织,父慈子孝,其乐融融。 (9) a warm family and all things are prosperous, men farm and women weave, father is kind and son is filial. (10)、这里幽谷飞泉,温暖如春,花如织锦;这里群山耸翠,村树含烟,阡陌纵横;这里男耕女织,相敬如宾,和如琴瑟;这里牧歌阵阵,童叟嬉戏,怡然自乐…… (10) the valley and spring here are warm as spring, and the flowers are brocade; the mountains are green, the village trees are smoky, and the fields are crisscross; the men are farming and women are weaving, and they respect each other like a guest, and they are harmonious like a zither; the old and the young are playing and enjoying themselves 男耕女织造句写一句话复杂的 (一)、这位顾大爷就是顾大娘的丈夫,名叫顾文伦,据传以前做过官,职位还很高,但不知何故辞官不做了,带着老婆来到沛县务农,男耕女织不问世事。 (二)、一派温馨的家和万事兴,男耕女织,父慈子孝,其乐融融。 (三)、迢迢银河星璀璨,牛郎织女遥相望。两情相悦是当年,男耕女织心悠然。天庭法度何森严,金簪一划难相见。年年鹊桥续前缘,含情脉脉诉衷肠。 (四)、有了太阳我们才能看见灿烂的光芒,有了地球我们才能过上男耕女织的生活,有了夜晚我们才能欣赏星光璀璨的神奇,有了你我才知道了什么是美丽大方。祝你生日快乐! (五)、无忌哥,从今以后我陪着你,等到救出了你太师父他们,咱们二人去冰火岛,永不再踏入中原,从此男耕女织,过那般神仙逍遥的日子,你说好不好。 (六)、每日介,出则男耕女织,归则携手双宿,日子倒也快活。 (七)、西施虽美心无情,表面美丽情无影。村姑农夫爱恋深,一生一世满怀情。恩爱有佳心相映,甜蜜无间不离影。男耕女织情深深,美满幸福显真情。 (八)、陶渊明在后半生隐居在田园之中过着男耕女织的生活。 (九)、先祖圣武德仁皇帝四征北羯,东定胡卑,八方诸侯望风归顺,从此天下大统,百姓再无兵戈之灾,男耕女织,物阜民安。 (十)、男耕女织,杏花菖叶,大巷小巷童谣歌。 (十一)、一个男耕女织,知疼知热心里时时想着我的姑娘;一个意志独立,能让我回复清醒的姑娘;一个聪慧娴雅,闺房里让我描眉更懂甚于描眉之乐的姑娘。 (十二)、陶渊明的后半生隐居在田园之中过着男耕女织的生活。 (十三)、男耕女织,情深意重,他们生了一男一女两个孩子,一家人生活得很幸福。 (十四)、这里幽谷飞泉,温暖如春,花如织锦;这里群山耸翠,村树含烟,阡陌纵横;这里男耕女织,相敬如宾,和如琴瑟;这里牧歌阵阵,童叟嬉戏,怡然自乐…… (十五)、这个建立在男耕女织自给自足的小农经济基础上的,尽得东亚膏腴之地,拥有世界上最多的人口,最勤劳勇敢智慧的民族,创造出最为源远流长的文化。 |