抚今追昔造句写一句话简单的 (1)、这其间的悲欢离合,波谲云诡,令人在冷静沉默中回想起来,抚今追昔,实不胜其感慨系之。 (2)、抚今追昔,令人销魂断肠者,不甚枚举。 (3)、现代人看《军师官兵卫》,既有抚今追昔之叹,也有移情遣意之感。 (4)、日月翻转,物去人非,抚今追昔,涕泪横生。惟养母嘱咐我的两句话终生难忘,一句是“要想知道,打个颠倒”,另一句是“吃亏是福,占便宜是祸”。 (5)、再回兴义,抚今追昔,追忆耀邦。我写下这篇文章,以寄托我对他深深的怀念。 (6)、看到祖国的巨变,抚今追昔,我感慨万端! (7)、抚今追昔,意在登高望远;知往鉴今,志在开辟未来。 (8)、这期间的悲欢离合,波谲云诡,令人在冷静沉默中回想起来,抚今追昔,实不胜其感慨系之。 (9)、当他回到阔别数十年的故地,看到家乡的巨大变化时,抚今追昔,不禁百感交集。 (10)、想当年……抚今追昔,老子热泪盈眶,甩了一把鼻涕出去,四大天王,八大金刚立刻每人送上一卷纸巾:“十三爷,天凉了,保重身体啊!”。 (11)、抚今追昔,睹物思人,司马池心想待闲暇时定要再去拜访。 (12)、白居易身在洛阳,神驰江南,抚今追昔,无限深情地追忆最难忘的江南往事,使自己得到了一定的精神满足。 (13)、抚今追昔,意在登高望远;知往鉴今,重在开创未来。 (14)、看著母亲的遗像,抚今追昔,许多前尘往事依然历历在目。 (15)、抚今追昔,遥想金戈铁马的壮怀岁月,秦陆也不由得唏嘘感慨。 抚今追昔造句带有中英文翻译写一段话 (1)、抚今追昔,睹物思人,司马池心想待闲暇时定要再去拜访。 In his spare time, Sima Chi thought that he would visit again. (2)、抚今追昔,遥想金戈铁马的壮怀岁月,秦陆也不由得唏嘘感慨。 (2) looking back on the past and looking back on the golden age, Qin Lu can't help but sigh. (3)、这期间的悲欢离合,波谲云诡,令人在冷静沉默中回想起来,抚今追昔,实不胜其感慨系之。 (3) the vicissitudes of life during this period make people think back in calm silence. It's really very emotional to recall the past and the present. (4)、抚今追昔,意在登高望远;知往鉴今,重在开辟未来。 (4) looking back on the past and looking back on the present, aiming at the future. (5)、他与元明抚今追昔,百感交集,他在文中感叹:“蛮中九年,白头来归,而相见于此,访旧抚新,悲喜兼怀,其情有不胜言者矣!”。 (5) he and the yuan and Ming dynasties have mixed feelings about the past and the present. In his article, he sighed: "in the ninth year of manzhong, the white head came and went back, and when we met here, we visited the old and the new, and we were both sad and happy. There are too many people to talk about their feelings!". (6)、近四十年过去了,当年我们曾经有过多的追求向往,甚至为之苦心焦思、愁肠寸断的目标,今天都一一得以实现,抚今追昔怎能不使人感慨呢。 (6) nearly 40 years have passed. In those days, we had too many goals to pursue and yearn for, and even painstakingly ponder and worry about. Today, all these goals have been realized one by one. How can we not recall the past with emotion. (7)、当他回到阔别数十年的故地,看到家乡的巨大变化时,抚今追昔,不禁百感交集。 (7) when he returned to his hometown, where he had been away for decades, and saw the great changes in his hometown, he could not help but have mixed feelings. (8)、这其间的悲欢离合,波谲云诡,令人在冷静沉默中回想起来,抚今追昔,实不胜其感慨系之。 (8) the joys and sorrows, the ups and downs, the ups and downs, the ups and downs, the ups and downs, the ups and downs, the ups and downs, the ups and downs, the ups and downs, the ups and downs, the ups and downs, the ups and downs, the ups and downs, the ups and downs, the downs, the ups and downs, the ups and downs, the downs. (9)、抚今追昔,叫人怎不伤感?伤感两个字,又怎能形容费无敌现在的心情。 (9) looking back on the past, how can people not be sad? How can the word "sad" describe Fei Wudi's current mood. (10)、抚今追昔,意在登高望远;知往鉴今,重在开创未来。 (10) looking back on the past and looking back on the present, aiming at the future. 抚今追昔造句写一句话复杂的 (一)、抚今追昔,一喜一惧,瞻念前途,势成骑虎。 (二)、近四十年过去了,当年我们曾经有过多的追求向往,甚至为之苦心焦思、愁肠寸断的目标,今天都一一得以实现,抚今追昔怎能不使人感慨呢。 (三)、人们一进公园,就能感觉到古老的传统建筑,楼殿威严,赑屃驮石碑、再看园内古松参天,草木葱茏,湖水荡漾,抚今追昔,令人感慨万千。 (四)、抚今追昔,遥想金戈铁马的壮怀岁月,秦陆也不由得唏嘘感慨。 (五)、抚今追昔,杜君雁、苏冰心感慨万千。 (六)、抚今追昔,意在登高望远;知往鉴今,志在开辟未来。 (七)、如今他要去引见杨、陈二人,这二位磕头的时候,回首前尘,抚今追昔,黄金荣是补磕如仪呢,还是装痴卖傻?“可是,杨、陈二位拜门,绝非一般门生弟子拜门。 (八)、当他回到阔别数十年的故地,看到家乡的巨大变化时,抚今追昔,不禁百感交集。 (九)、这期间的悲欢离合,波谲云诡,令人在冷静沉默中回想起来,抚今追昔,实不胜其感慨系之。 (十)、这其间的悲欢离合,波谲云诡,令人在冷静沉默中回想起来,抚今追昔,实不胜其感慨系之。 (十一)、想当年……抚今追昔,老子热泪盈眶,甩了一把鼻涕出去,四大天王,八大金刚立刻每人送上一卷纸巾:“十三爷,天凉了,保重身体啊!”。 (十二)、日月翻转,物去人非,抚今追昔,涕泪横生。惟养母嘱咐我的两句话终生难忘,一句是“要想知道,打个颠倒”,另一句是“吃亏是福,占便宜是祸”。 (十三)、诗人用一派弥天盖地的秋色将渭原秦川与巴山蜀水联结起来,寄托自己的故国之思;又用滔滔不尽的大江把今昔异代联系起来,寄寓自己的抚今追昔之感。 (十四)、抚今追昔,睹物思人,司马池心想待闲暇时定要再去拜访。 (十五)、抚今追昔,宁不痛哉!朱璟彤虽然没有林梦宸那样的切身感受,但也能够体会出两个人现在的心境。 |