怒不可遏造句写一句话简单的 (1)、她不知道自己为何这么生气,但她就是感到怒不可遏。 (2)、每当我看见其他男孩撇下我去追随他,我就变得心急如焚,怒不可遏。 (3)、你母亲若知此事定会怒不可遏。 (4)、尼克松怒不可遏。他作出两种反应:一种反应是落落大方,另一种则是气量狭小。 (5)、她听到这个消息,顿时怒不可遏。 (6)、听到汪精卫汉奸的卖国行径,他怒不可遏念兹在兹。 (7)、经理出国考察半年,回来见职员把写字间弄得乌烟瘴气,一时怒不可遏。 (8)、皮球砸在他头上,他怒不可遏。 (9)、不,我没疯,只是质问我的人怒不可遏。 (10)、"什么第三代,胡说八道!"甘德怒不可遏地回答道。 (11)、我听到如此残忍对待动物,气得我怒不可遏。 (12)、他收到辱骂信后怒不可遏。 (13)、残暴与不公正常常使我们怒不可遏。 (14)、每天的闹钟把你吵的怒不可遏。 (15)、她怒不可遏,于是就去追赶他们。 怒不可遏造句带有中英文翻译写一段话 (1)、据悉,当南非队入住的山顿酒店的保安将当时的酒店监控录像放给佩雷拉看的时候,他怒不可遏,第一时间做出驱逐决定。 (1) it is reported that when the security guard of the Sandton hotel where the South African team stayed showed Pereira the surveillance video of the hotel at that time, he was furious and made a decision to expel him at the first time. (2)、皮球砸在他头上,他怒不可遏。 (2) he was furious when the ball hit him on the head. (3)、尼克松怒不可遏。他作出两种反应:一种反应是落落大方,另一种则是气量狭。 (3) Nixon was furious. He made two reactions: one was generous, the other was narrow. (4)、张牧怒不可遏,大步走下石阶,微微颤抖的身躯,死死的盯着莫邪,剩下的十几个甲士虽然人人带伤,倒也令行禁止,瞬间退到一旁。 (4) in a rage, Zhang Mu strides down the stone steps, his body trembles slightly, and stares at moye. Although all the remaining ten Jiashi are injured, they are forbidden to step aside. (5)、他怒不可遏,陷入了负面感情的漩涡,一任愤怒在胸中驰骋,对所有走近身边的人都推推搡搡,令人不禁要打一个寒噤。 (5) he was so angry that he fell into the vortex of negative emotions. He was so angry that he pushed and pushed all the people close to him, which made him shiver. (6)、"听从邓布利多的??"她怒不可遏地说。 (6), "follow Dumbledore's advice"?? "She said angrily. (7)、紫嫣将案几上一套粉光绿石杯盏拂落在地上,她已是怒不可遏了,转向左右,来人! (7) Ziyan whisks a set of pink green stone cups on the table to the ground. She is furious. She turns to the left and right. Come on! (8)、我把爸爸的手机弄坏了,我就是怒不可遏。 (8) I broke my father's mobile phone, and I was furious. (9)、次日清文拜访李家,国语说得颠三倒四,李氏夫妇当场揭破他是广东人。李世普怒不可遏,把清文赶出大门,待得记起他是卫生帮办,立即前倨后恭,答应让女儿嫁他。 (9) the next day, Qingwen visited Li's family, and their Mandarin was confused. Li's wife revealed that he was Cantonese on the spot. Li Shipu is so angry that he drives Qingwen out of the gate. He remembers that he is a health assistant. He immediately agrees to let his daughter marry him. (10)、自己的沙堡,自己可以推倒重建,却要是有人过来碰伤了一点点,就怒不可遏。 (10) you can demolish and rebuild your own sand castle, but if someone comes and bruises you, you will be furious. 怒不可遏造句写一句话复杂的 (一)、她吵起架来,有一副特别的样儿:跺脚,双方绞扭着马甲裙……怒不可遏。 (二)、众人嘲讽着福王朱由菘,按理说受到如此侮辱,不管是谁都怒不可遏,可是高高在上的朱由菘反而谄笑道:是是是,汪汪汪。 (三)、张牧怒不可遏,大步走下石阶,微微颤抖的身躯,死死的盯着莫邪,剩下的十几个甲士虽然人人带伤,倒也令行禁止,瞬间退到一旁。 (四)、哈瓦怒不可遏,三言五语把当时的情景说给维尔纳和汉斯听。 (五)、他怒不可遏地颤声表示反对。 (六)、时,山顿酒店的保安将酒店监控录像放给主帅佩雷拉看,他顿时怒不可遏,第一时间便做出驱逐两人的决定。 (七)、两人你谦我让的走完了该走的礼节程序,齐策指了指后堂,轻声问:“主上怒不可遏,该怎么找个理由进去?”。 (八)、这一回答使她怒不可遏,她鄙视他。 (九)、每天的闹钟把你吵的怒不可遏。 (十)、我听到如此残忍对待动物,气得我怒不可遏。 (十一)、她听到这个消息,顿时怒不可遏。 (十二)、"你这苏格兰恶棍,"这位怒不可遏的女子对阿奇博尔德说,"你胆敢用这种方法来对付我这样的人!"。 (十三)、耳边,大娘心碎的哭声让她心急如焚,雷霆之怒不可遏,火焰缭绕,一招狂风怒焰拍出,打中了最前面狗腿的胸口。 (十四)、当时,山顿酒店的保安将酒店监控录像放给主帅佩雷拉看,他顿时怒不可遏,第一时间便做出驱逐两人的决定。 (十五)、你母亲若知此事定会怒不可遏。 |