威武不屈的近义词成语 【坚毅不拔】 【坚贞不屈】 【宁死不屈】 威武不屈的反义词四字词语 〖奴颜媚骨〗 〖卖身投靠〗 〖奴颜婢膝〗 威武不屈的近义词成语带有解释 〖宁死不屈〗: 宁可死去,也不屈服。 〖坚贞不屈〗: 坚守节操,不向恶势力屈服。 威武不屈的反义词四字词语带有解释 奴颜媚骨 [núyánmèigǔ] 形容卑躬屈膝、谄媚讨好的样子。媚:谄媚。 卖身投靠 [màishēntóukào] 原指出卖自己人身,投靠有钱有势的人。比喻甘心充当恶势力的工具。 奴颜婢膝 [núyánbìxī] 形容卑鄙无耻地拍马讨好的奴才相。唐陆龟蒙《江湖散人歌》:“奴颜婢膝真乞丐,反以正直为狂痴。”婢(bì)。 关于威武不屈的详细解释 威武不屈[ wēi wǔ bù qū ] [ wēi wǔ bù qū ] 威武:权势,武力;屈:屈服。强暴的压力不能使之屈服。表示坚贞顽强。 扩展阅读:用威武不屈写一句话 (1)、面对一切猪牛羊肉的诱惑威武不屈,从容淡定。 (1) in the face of all the temptation of pork, beef and mutton, he is unyielding and calm. (2)、现在的钟文涛经过正在别墅大厅里打麻将的叶子的优良教育,已经从一个腼腆害臊的老处男变成了一个威武不屈,逢淫避乱的货色。 (2) after the excellent education of playing mahjong in the villa hall, Zhong Wentao has changed from a shy old virgin to an unyielding man. (3)、五花八门,精彩万分,而作品所高扬侠义、仁爱、富贵不淫、威武不屈的高尚精神对今人仍有强烈的感召力。 (3) all kinds of works are wonderful, and the noble spirit of chivalrous, benevolent, rich and unyielding still has a strong appeal to today's people. (4)、说完,李天就站起了身体,完全一副威武不屈,贫贱不移傲骨嶙嶙的汉子。 (4) with that, Li Tian stands up and looks like a man who is unyielding, humble and proud. (5)、于是乎,爷不由在心中默默祈祷,春哥保佑,璐璐大小姐魅力四射神采飞扬万寿无疆威武不屈人见人爱………. (5) so, I can't help praying in my heart. With the blessing of elder brother chun, Miss Lulu is full of charm and high spirits. She has a boundless life and is invincible. Everyone loves her . ![]() |