惩恶劝善的近义词成语 【隐恶扬善】 惩恶劝善的反义词四字词语 〖没有相关词语〗 惩恶劝善的近义词成语带有解释 【惩恶劝善】 惩恶劝善的反义词四字词语带有解释 【惩恶劝善】 关于惩恶劝善的详细解释 chéngèquànshàn 【成语的意思和解释】--惩:责罚;劝:勉励。惩罚坏人,奖励好人。 【成语来源出自哪里】--左丘明《左传成公十四年》:“《春秋》之称微而显,志而晦……惩恶而劝善。非圣人谁能修之?” 【成语繁体字写法】--懲惡勸善 【成语拼音简写】--ceqs 【褒义还是贬义】--中性成语词语,没有明显褒义贬义批评或者赞美 【成语使用办法和性质】--联合式;作谓语;指惩罚恶人劝他向善 【成语形式结构】--联合式成语 扩展阅读:用惩恶劝善写一句话 (1)、惩恶劝善,固然是每个人所希望看到和实现的,但这种前景不可能通过愤怒充当审判者的途径来实现。 (1) punishing the evil and persuading the good is what everyone wants to see and realize, but this prospect can not be realized through anger as a judge. (2)、这部小说通过离奇的故事情节进行惩恶劝善。 (2) the novel punishes evil and persuades good through strange plot. (3)、他惩恶劝善的善举令人感动和佩服。 (3) his good deeds of punishing evil and persuading good are moving and admirable. (4)、总之,扶正祛邪,激浊扬清,锄伪显真,惩恶劝善,是杂文的基本功能。 In short, the basic functions of essays are to support the healthy and eliminate evil, to stimulate the turbid and promote the clean, to eliminate the false and show the true, to punish the evil and to persuade the good. (5)、惩恶劝善是我们中华民族的优良传统。 (5) it is a fine tradition of our Chinese nation to punish evil and encourage good. ![]() |