嫌恶的两个字的近义词 厌恶、嫌弃、讨厌 嫌恶的两个字的反义词 痴迷、爱慕、喜欢、喜爱、 嫌恶的近义词两个字带有解释 【厌恶】: (对人或事物)产生很大的反感:大家都~他。这种无聊的生活令人~。 【讨厌】: 1.惹人厌烦:这人说话总是这么啰唆,真~! 【嫌弃】: 厌恶而不愿意接近。 嫌恶的反义词两个字带有解释 【爱慕】: 1.由于喜欢或敬重而愿意接近:相互~。~之心。 【喜欢】: 1.对人或事物有好感或感兴趣:他~文学,我~数学。 【喜爱】: 对人或事物有好感或感兴趣:~游泳。这小孩儿惹人~。 【痴迷】: 深深地迷恋:他读大学时,对电影艺术曾~过一段时间。 嫌恶的词语解释 【词语名字】: 嫌恶 【词语读音拼音】: xiánwù 【词语解释说明】: 厌恶。 扩展阅读:用嫌恶写一句话 (一)、不过别人既然嫌恶心,我也不用自讨没趣了。 However, since others are disgusted, I don't have to ask for trouble. (二)、珊珊已完全不是徐群山了。头发还是短的,衣服还是沉暗,还是那样略带嫌恶地一笑,却连半点徐群山的影子也没了。 (2) Shanshan is no longer Xu Qunshan. His hair was still short, his clothes were still dark, and he still gave a slightly disgusting smile, but there was no shadow of Xu Qunshan. (三)、年少时匆匆一瞥,何红药的故事湮灭在夏雪宜对温仪的痴情之后,只依稀记得她那张蛇啮的脸,她是一声嫌恶的惊怖尖叫。 (3) at a glance when I was young, the story of he Hongyao was annihilated after Xia Xueyi's infatuation with Wenyi. I can only vaguely remember her snake bite face. She was a scream of horror. (四)、抬手将柜式空调的活叶扒了下来对着自己一通狂吹,浑不在意那网管MM用两根芊芊玉指小心翼翼的捏起那枚湿漉漉的钢蹦嫌恶的扔进收银台里。 (4) I lift my hand to pick up the movable leaf of the cabinet air conditioner and blow it to myself. I don't care that the network manager mm carefully pinches the wet steel with two Qianqian fingers and throws it into the cashier in disgust. (五)、然而.由于个人的着重点不同.彼此之间就产生了许多非常尖锐的嫌恶感. However, due to the different focuses of individuals, there are a lot of sharp dislikes between them. (5) ![]() |