回光返照的近义词成语 【回光反照】 【返照回光】 回光返照的反义词四字词语 〖生机勃勃〗 回光返照的近义词成语带有解释 〖回光反照〗: 是一个常见的自然现象。太阳落到地平线下时天空短时发亮。 〖返照回光〗: 佛教语。指用佛性对照检查,自我反省。 回光返照的反义词四字词语带有解释 【回光返照】 关于回光返照的详细解释 huí guāng fǎn zhào 【成语的意思和解释】-- 日落时由于反射作用而发生的天空中短时间发光的现象。比喻人临死前忽然一阵短暂的神志清醒或精神兴奋。也比喻事物衰亡前出现的短暂的兴旺现象。 【成语来源出自哪里】-- 元·杨景贤《刘行首》第三折:“弃死归生,回光返照。” 【成语繁体字写法】-- 迴光返炤 【成语拼音简写】-- hgfz 【褒义还是贬义】-- 中性成语词语,没有明显褒义贬义 【成语使用办法和性质】-- 比喻没落以前的景象;如人临死前精神忽然兴奋、神志忽然清醒。也比喻旧事物灭亡以前的短暂繁荣兴旺。一般作谓语、定语、状语。 【成语形式结构】-- 主谓式成语 扩展阅读:用回光返照写一句话 (1)、谁也不知道他突然的清醒是回光返照,以为没事了。但不到两个小时,他就与世长辞了。 (1) no one knows that his sudden awakening is a return of light, thinking that he is OK. But within two hours, he died. (2)、谁的隐私不会被回光返照,殉葬的花朵开合有度,菩提的果实奏响了空山,告诉我,你藏在落叶下的脚印,暗示了多少祭日,专供我在法外逍遥。仓央嘉措 (2) who's privacy will not be reflected? The flowers of martyrdom bloom and close properly, and the fruit of Bodhi plays an empty mountain. Tell me how many memorial days your footprints hidden under the fallen leaves imply for me to be free from the law. Cangyang Jiacuo (3)、日子一天天过去,我母亲的病情开始好转。“这并非不正常,”有人对我说,“这种恢复通常是临终前的回光返照。”。 (3) day by day, my mother's condition began to improve. "It's not unusual," someone told me. "This recovery is usually a reflection on the deathbed.". (4)、卡德鲁斯说道,这时正是回光返照,他半撑起身子,想更清楚地看看那个发誓的人,因为他所发的誓言是所有人都认为神圣不可亵渎的。 (4) Caderousse said that it was time to look back. He half propped up and wanted to have a clearer look at the swearing man, because the oath he made was sacred and inviolable to all. (5)、就像回光返照一般,已经心存死志的斯赛站了起来,费力的走向坡顶的边缘。 (5) as if in retrospect, Seth, who was determined to die, stood up and walked to the edge of the top of the slope. ![]() |