天南海北的近义词成语 【海说神聊】 【千里迢迢】 【不着边际】 【海阔天空】 【天南地北】 天南海北的反义词四字词语 〖左邻右舍〗 〖近在眉睫〗 〖一衣带水〗 天南海北的近义词成语带有解释 (一)、天南地北:一在天之南,一在地之北。形容地区各不相同。也形容天南地北 (二)、不着边际:着:接触;边际:边界,边缘。挨不着边儿。多指说话不着边际 (三)、海阔天空:象大海一样辽阔,象天空一样无边无际。形容大自然的海阔天空 (四)、海说神聊:漫无边际的胡吹乱谈。海说神聊 天南海北的反义词四字词语带有解释 左邻右舍 [zuǒlínyòushè] 泛指邻居。 一衣带水 [yīyīdàishuǐ] 一水相隔,如同衣带那样窄。比喻双方离得很近。《南史·陈后主纪》:“岂可限一衣带水不拯之乎?” 近在眉睫 [jìnzàiméijié] 睫:眼睫毛。形容很近,就在眼前。 关于天南海北的详细解释 tiānnánhǎiběi 【成语的意思和解释】--①形容距离遥远的不同地区。②形容(谈话)漫无边际。 【成语来源出自哪里】--杨朔《熔炉》:“他素来最能关心战士,天南海北,不管怎样调皮捣蛋的人,一经他教育改造,都能脱胎换骨。” 【成语拼音简写】--tnhb 【褒义还是贬义】--中性成语词语,没有明显褒义贬义批评或者赞美 【成语使用办法和性质】--作宾语、定语、状语;指相距遥远 【成语形式结构】--联合式成语 扩展阅读:用天南海北写一句话 (1)、根据最新情报显示,你的手机已被锁定,国庆节前后,你将受到来自天南海北、四面八方的密集短信轰炸,成为重点骚扰目标,请做好防御准备,不能换号,不能关机,不能设置来电防火墙,但可以自卫反击,欢迎反骚扰哦! (1) according to the latest intelligence, your mobile phone has been locked. Before and after the national day, you will be bombarded by intensive SMS from all over the world and become the key target of harassment. Please be prepared for defense. You can't change the number, turn off the phone, and set up a call firewall, but you can defend yourself and fight back. Welcome to fight against harassment! (2)、两人在船上谈谈说说,天南海北,流连忘返,不觉日已平西,小岛的阴影覆盖了这条石舫,这两个被美景、被理想所陶醉的女孩子,乐不思蜀,把什么都忘了。 (2) the two of them talk about each other on the boat. They are far away from home. They don't realize that the sun is flat. The shadow of the island covers the stone boat. The two girls, who are intoxicated by the beautiful scenery and ideals, are happy and forget everything. (3)、他们有的已经守候了一夜,有的从天南海北赶来;他们有的臂缠黑纱,有的胸佩白花。 (3) some of them have been waiting all night, some of them have come from all over the world, some of them have black gauze on their arms, some of them have white flowers on their chests. (4)、这时她们三人边看壁画边往这边走,走到文君他们身后时停了下来,听他们讲故事,并不时拉话,谈论着壁画上的故事,天南海北地聊了起来。 (4) at this time, the three of them walked this way while looking at the murals. When they came to Wenjun, they stopped and listened to their stories. They talked about the stories on the murals from time to time. They chatted all over the world. (5)、再回首,我们心中充满激情;再回首,我们曾经的欢声笑语;再回首,篮球场上矫健的身姿;再回首。一切成为了过去,行走天南海北,累了别忘了还有人在惦着你。 (5) looking back, we are full of passion; looking back, we used to laugh; looking back, the vigorous posture on the basketball court; looking back. Everything has become the past, walking all over the world, tired, don't forget that there are still people thinking about you. ![]() |