心事重重的近义词成语 【愁肠寸断】 心事重重的反义词四字词语 〖无忧无虑〗 心事重重的近义词成语带有解释 【心事重重】 心事重重的反义词四字词语带有解释 【心事重重】 关于心事重重的详细解释 xīn shì zhòng zhòng 【成语的意思和解释】--心里挂着很多沉重的顾虑 【成语来源出自哪里】--罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》第二七章:“毛人凤正心事重重地在地毯上来回走着。” 【成语拼音简写】--xszz 【褒义还是贬义】--贬义成语,常用来批评贬低人的四字词语 【成语使用办法和性质】--作谓语、定语;指顾虑太多 【成语形式结构】--主谓式成语 扩展阅读:用心事重重写一句话 (1)、小时候,你我无忧无虑,捉迷藏弹溜溜过家家;长大了,你我心事重重,找工作寻机遇谈婚姻;人生路长,辗转反侧,只愿你我一切安好! (1) when I was a child, you and I were carefree, playing hide and seek; when I grew up, you and I were full of worries, looking for jobs, looking for opportunities to talk about marriage; life is long, tossing and turning, I only wish you and me all well! (2)、鱼儿心事重重地在水里游。 (2) fish swim in the water with a lot of worries. (3)、雯雯郡主眼见赵珏心事重重,面目悒郁,不觉柳眉微蹙,关切的问道。 (3) princess Wenwen asked with concern when she saw that Zhao Jue was worried and depressed. (4)、他心事重重、疾病缠身,落得个未老先衰. (4) he was preoccupied and sick, and he was not old enough (5)、愁眉不展:展,舒展。心里忧愁,双眉紧锁。形容心事重重的样子。 (5) frowning: stretch, stretch. The heart is sad and the brows are locked. It's a way to describe being preoccupied. ![]() |