快步流星的近义词成语 【大步流星】 【风驰电掣】 快步流星的反义词四字词语 〖没有相关词语〗 快步流星的近义词成语带有解释 〖大步流星〗: 形容脚步迈得大,走得快。 〖风驰电掣〗: 《六韬·龙韬》:“奋威四人,主择材力,论兵革,风驰电掣,不知所由伏。”形容速度极快,像刮风闪电一样。驰:奔跑。掣:闪过。 快步流星的反义词四字词语带有解释 【快步流星】 关于快步流星的详细解释 kuàibùliúxīng 【成语的意思和解释】--形容步子跨得大,走得快。 【成语来源出自哪里】--单田芳《燕王扫北》第32回:“又等了一会儿,李七骑马回来了。只见他在府门外翻身下马,手提马鞭,快步流星进了里屋。” 【成语拼音简写】--kblx 【褒义还是贬义】--中性成语词语,没有明显褒义贬义批评或者赞美 【成语使用办法和性质】--作谓语、状语;形容走得快 【成语形式结构】--联合式成语 扩展阅读:用快步流星写一句话 (1)、王警官一边快步流星的往前走,一边温和的跟陈东辉聊天。 (1) police officer Wang walked forward quickly while chatting gently with Chen Donghui. (2)、甩袖的左仲明停顿了一下,怒目盯着闭眼的胡名一眼,快步流星的走出去。 (2) Zuo Zhongming pauses, stares at Hu Ming with his eyes closed, and walks out quickly. (3)、刚要转身将王森制服时,从侧翼急速而来的落羿快步流星的从地面腾空跃起,双臂顿然张开,双拳处更是在这一刻喷发出难以想象的火焰。 (3) just as he was about to turn around to subdue Wang Sen, Luo Yi, who came from his flank, leaped up from the ground, his arms suddenly opened, and his fists erupted at this moment. (4)、朱明成知道这家伙心慌了,可就是不停下里,快步流星,走出了大门,然后叫了辆的士离开。 (4) Zhu Mingcheng knew that this guy was flustered, but he kept going inside, walked out of the gate quickly, and then called a taxi to leave. (5)、建设国防任劳怨,军事素质在心间,节俭艰苦好风尚,快步流星永向前,乐道安贫争荣耀,永不放弃是真言,远隔万里寄情谊,祝福话语齐来聚,福喜安宁围绕你,你是祖国的荣誉。建军节快。 (5) building national defense is hard-working, military quality is in the heart, frugality is hard, good fashion is fast, always forward, happy to live in poverty and strive for glory, never give up is the truth, send friendship from afar, blessing words come together, happiness and peace surround you, you are the honor of the motherland. Army Day is fast. ![]() |