天下第一的近义词成语 【无出其右】 【天下无双】 【盖世无双】 【举世无双】 【天下无敌】 天下第一的反义词四字词语 〖没有相关词语〗 天下第一的近义词成语带有解释 无出其右 [wúchūqíyòu] 出:超出;右:上,古代以右为尊。没有能超过他的。 盖世无双 [gàishìwúshuāng] 盖:压倒,超过。才能或武艺当代第一,没有人能比得上。 举世无双 [jǔshìwúshuāng] 全世界找不到第二个。形容十分稀有。 天下无敌 [tiānxiàwúdí] 普天之下,没有敌手。形容战无不胜,没有对手。 天下无双 [tiānxiàwúshuāng] 天下找不出第二个。形容出类拔萃,独一无二。 天下第一的反义词四字词语带有解释 【天下第一】 关于天下第一的详细解释 tiān xià dì yī 【成语的意思和解释】-- 形容没有人能比得上。 【成语来源出自哪里】-- 西汉 司马迁《史记 屈原贾生列传》:“孝文皇帝初立,闻河南守吴治平为天下第一。” 【成语拼音简写】-- txdy 【褒义还是贬义】-- 中性成语词语,没有明显褒义贬义 【成语使用办法和性质】-- 偏正式;作谓语、定语;含褒义 【成语形式结构】-- 偏正式成语 扩展阅读:用天下第一写一句话 (1)、连卖豆腐脑的都知道天下第一是分不清楚的,是拿来做幌子凑热闹蒙事的,可是武林人不懂,几百年来就没有懂过。 (1) even bean curd sellers know that the best in the world is indistinguishable, and they use it as a pretext to make a living. But people in the Wulin don't understand it. They haven't understood it for hundreds of years. (2)、那三人等候‘恶贯满盈’这天下第一恶人到来,心情之焦急虽然及不上她,可也是有如热锅上蚂蚁一般,万分烦躁。 (2) the three people were waiting for the arrival of the first villain in the world. Although they were not as anxious as her, they were just like ants on a hot pot. (3)、由于你对爱情中心不愈,你已成功当选天下第一情圣,世界爱情委员会决定,在912就要爱日,为你颁发奖品,奖品就是。短信一条!祝你幸福! (3) because you are not satisfied with the love center, you have been elected as the number one love saint in the world. The world love Council has decided to award you a prize on love day 912. A text message! I wish you happiness! (4)、秒,秒,秒!公子有踔绝之能,天下第一才子之名受之无愧! (4), seconds, seconds, seconds! Young master has unique ability and deserves the reputation of the world's first talent! (5)、报恩寺塔?这竟然是天下第一塔的青花瓷砖?却被人用来补成了一个明青花瓷盘?可惜还补得不完美,让人轻易能发现痕迹,嘶…… (5) Baoen Temple Pagoda? This is actually the blue and white tile of the world's first pagoda? But it was used to make a Ming blue and white porcelain plate? Unfortunately, it was not perfectly mended, so that people can easily find traces and hiss ![]() |