垂拱而治的近义词成语 【高居深拱】 垂拱而治的反义词四字词语 〖没有相关词语〗 垂拱而治的近义词成语带有解释 【垂拱而治】 垂拱而治的反义词四字词语带有解释 【垂拱而治】 关于垂拱而治的详细解释 chuí gǒng ér zhì 【成语的意思和解释】--垂拱:垂衣拱手,形容毫不费力;治:平安。古时比喻统治者不做什么使使天下太平。多用作称颂帝王无为而治。 【成语来源出自哪里】--《尚书·武成》:“谆信明义,崇德报功,垂拱而天下治。” 【成语拼音简写】--cgez 【褒义还是贬义】--中性成语词语,没有明显褒义贬义 【成语使用办法和性质】--作谓语、定语;指帝王无为而治 【成语形式结构】--偏正式成语 扩展阅读:用垂拱而治写一句话 (1)、更何况李林甫以宰相之位治天下,不同于皇上那样尊贵,自然要以恩威并用,垂拱而治。 (1) what's more, Li Linfu ruled the world as a prime minister, which was different from the emperor's dignity. Naturally, he had to use both grace and authority. (2)、儒家主张推行“仁”政,垂拱而治。 (2) Confucianism advocated the implementation of "benevolent" government. (3)、——现在手头没人,自然只能继续这样凡事亲躬下去,垂拱而治那也是需要有“物质”。 (3), -- now that there is no one on hand, naturally, we can only continue to do everything like this. It also needs to have "material" to govern. (4)、我是垂拱而治,过一过手转上去,公事只准不驳,岂不是大家都痛快? (4) I'm going to rule from the top of my head. Once I've turned my hand around, I'm only allowed to do business without refuting it. Isn't everyone happy? (5)、幸耐晋王之力,得以垂拱而治,君临天下。 (5) thanks to the power of the king of Jin, he was able to rule the country from the top of the arch. |