按图索骥的近义词成语 【生搬硬套】 【刻舟求剑】 【胶柱鼓瑟】 【按图索骏】 【照本宣科】 按图索骥的反义词四字词语 〖不落窠臼〗 〖无迹可寻〗 按图索骥的近义词成语带有解释 (一)、刻舟求剑:比喻不懂事物已发展变化而仍静止地看问题。刻舟求剑 (二)、胶柱鼓瑟:用胶把柱粘住以后奏琴,柱不能移动,就无法调弦。比胶柱鼓瑟 按图索骥的反义词四字词语带有解释 不落窠臼 [bùluòkējiù] 比喻不落俗套,有独创风格(多指文章、作品)。窠臼(kējiù):老套子,旧格式。 无迹可寻 [wújìkěxún] 没有踪迹可以寻求。多指处事为文不着痕迹。 关于按图索骥的详细解释 àn tú suǒ jì 【成语的意思和解释】--按图:按照图形;索:寻找;骥:好马。按照画好的图形去寻找好马。①比喻按线索去寻找需要的东西。②比喻按教条办事;不知变通。 【成语来源出自哪里】--东汉 班固《汉书 梅福传》:“今不循伯者之道,乃欲以三代选举之法,取当时之士,犹察伯乐之图,求骐骥于市,而不可得,亦已明矣。” 【成语繁体字写法】--按圖索驥 【成语拼音简写】--atsj 【褒义还是贬义】--中性成语词语,没有明显褒义贬义 【成语使用办法和性质】--偏正式;作谓语、定语、状语;含贬义,比喻按照线索去寻求事 【成语形式结构】--偏正式成语 扩展阅读:用按图索骥写一句话 (1)、但是,梅杰按图索骥找到矿脉,却发现早被采掘的一干二净,一块赤铁矿石都没有。 (1) however, Meijie found the vein according to his plan, but found that all the ore had been mined, and there was no hematite ore. (2)、此乃妄想?又或按图索骥?若是妄想,以史迁之笔,何能录讹传之词?苏佩以千年后人转生乱世,得蚩尤战魂传承,道体魔种,有大志于天下,得鬼谷辅助。 (2) is this a delusion? Or do you follow the picture? If it is a delusion, how can you record false words with the pen of Shi Qian? Su Pei reincarnated in the troubled times thousands of years later, inherited the war spirit of Chiyou, and was a kind of devil. He had great ambition in the world and was assisted by the ghost valley. (3)、没奈何,他只好老老实实按图索骥,寻找张长空研究出来的三处可能通道。 (3) he had no choice but to follow his plan honestly and look for the three possible channels studied by Zhang Changkong. (4)、鲍老说,湘西成矿条件优越,埋藏着丰富的宝藏,而地质勘探成果和地质资料,就像藏宝图,内行人得到了,就能按图索骥,找到宝藏。 (4) Mr. Bao said that the metallogenic conditions in Western Hunan are superior, and there are rich treasures buried. The geological exploration results and geological data are like treasure map. If the experts get the map, they can find the treasure. (5)、倘若天下大乱,子孙生计断绝之时,则拿出他所留下的记载,按图索骥,盗发宝物换取钱粮渡过难关。 (5) if the world is in chaos and the livelihood of his descendants is cut off, he will take out the records he left and follow his plan to steal treasures in exchange for money and food to tide over the difficulties. ![]() |