指手画脚的近义词成语 【指手划脚】 【比手划脚】 【品头论足】 指手画脚的反义词四字词语 〖沉默不语〗 指手画脚的近义词成语带有解释 品头论足 [pǐntóulùnzú] 见〖评头论足〗。 指手划脚 [zhǐshǒuhuàjiǎo] 作谓语、状语;含贬义形容说话时用手脚示意,也比喻瞎指挥,乱加指点批评。出自明·冯梦龙《醒世恒言》:“问起根由,毛泼皮指手划脚,剖说那事。”1。 比手划脚 [bǐshǒuhuàjiǎo] 形容说话时用手势示意或加强语气。 指手画脚的反义词四字词语带有解释 【指手画脚】 关于指手画脚的详细解释 zhǐshǒuhuàjiǎo 【成语的意思和解释】--指说话时做出各种动作。形容说话时放肆或得意忘形。 【成语来源出自哪里】--清曹雪芹《红楼梦》第22回:“只见宝玉跑至围屏灯前,指手画脚,信口批评。” 【成语繁体字写法】--指手畫脚 【成语拼音简写】--zshj 【褒义还是贬义】--贬义成语,贬低批评人和事的四字词语 【成语使用办法和性质】--联合式;作谓语、状语;含贬义 【成语形式结构】--联合式成语 扩展阅读:用指手画脚写一句话 (1)、当年只有25岁的村民许家兵在和他人下棋时,不满村民赵永许在一旁“指手画脚”,两人起了冲突,许家兵拔出随身携带的牛角刀,刺向对方。 (1) when the villager Xu Jiabing, who was only 25 years old, was playing chess with others, he was dissatisfied with the villager Zhao Yongxu's "finger pointing" and the two clashed. Xu Jiabing pulled out his horn knife and stabbed each other. (2)、游山玩水快乐美无限,青山绿水开心赏风光。丽山美景喜乐开怀唱,千葩百卉美满在心间。世界旅游日愿你,一路平安吉祥如意满,笑声不断指手画脚言。 (2) there is no limit to the happiness and beauty of touring the mountains and waters, and the scenery is beautiful with green mountains and waters. Beautiful scenery of Lishan, singing happily, thousands of flowers in my heart. On world tourism day, I wish you a safe and auspicious journey, with laughter telling you what to do. (3)、刘姥姥不敢过去,掸掸衣服,又教了板儿几句话,然后溜到角门前,只见几个挺胸叠肚指手画脚的人坐在大门上,说东谈西的。 (3) granny Liu didn't dare to go there. She dusted her clothes and taught Baner a few words. Then she slipped to the corner gate and saw a few people sitting on the gate talking. (4)、要说指手画脚的人,在政界你可以找到好多。 (4) you can find a lot of people in political circles who tell you what to do. (5)、飞机已经冲上云霄,士兵们正对他实施惨无人道的围观,还指手画脚地又说又笑。 (5) the plane has gone up into the sky, and the soldiers are watching him cruelly, saying and laughing. ![]() |