拍手称快的近义词成语 【皆大欢喜】 【大快人心】 【普天同庆】 【拍手叫好】 拍手称快的反义词四字词语 〖悲愤填膺〗 〖天怒人怨〗 〖肝肠寸断〗 拍手称快的近义词成语带有解释 (一)、大快人心:快:痛快。指坏人坏事受到惩罚或打击,使大家非常痛大快人心 (二)、抚掌大笑:抚:拍。拍手大笑。形容非常高兴。抚掌大笑 拍手称快的反义词四字词语带有解释 悲愤填膺 [bēifèntiányīng] 悲痛与愤怒充满胸膛。膺(yīng):胸。 天怒人怨 [tiānnùrényuàn] 形容为害作恶十分严重,引起普遍的愤怒。 肝肠寸断 [gānchángcùnduàn] 形容极度悲痛伤心。《战国策·燕策三》:“吾要且死,子肠亦且寸绝。” 关于拍手称快的详细解释 pāi shǒu chēng kuài 【成语的意思和解释】--拍着手喊痛快。形容人们因正义得到伸张;公愤得到消除时高兴愉快的样子。 【成语来源出自哪里】--明 凌濛初《二刻拍案惊奇》:“说起他死得可怜,无不垂涕。又见恶姑奸夫俱死,又无不拍手称快。” 【成语繁体字写法】--拍手稱快 【成语拼音简写】--psck 【褒义还是贬义】--褒义性质的成语,用来赞美一个人和事情 【成语使用办法和性质】--连动式;作谓语、补语、宾语;含褒义 【成语形式结构】--连动式成语 扩展阅读:用拍手称快写一句话 (1)、司机虽然没有拍手称快,可也表达了自己的观点。 (1) although the driver did not applaud, he also expressed his own views. (2)、为祸江湖的采花盗的尸体挂在了洛阳城的门口,一时间,无数人拍手称快。 (2) the corpse of the flower picking robber who was in trouble in the river's lake was hung at the gate of Luoyang City. For a moment, countless people applauded. (3)、这个消息立即就传遍了华南整个教育界,有人惋惜感叹,有人也有人拍手称快。 (3) the news immediately spread to the whole educational circles in South China. Some people lamented and some applauded. (4)、所以对于他们的死,老百姓无不拍手称快,不过那些官府却没日没夜的在派人追缉凶手。 (4) so the common people applaud their death, but the authorities are sending people to hunt down the murderers day and night. (5)、当然,武夜的举动的确是引起了一些人记恨,但绝大多数人的人,特别是青年,纷纷*行表示赞同,拍手称快。 (5) of course, Wu Ye's action really aroused some people's resentment, but the vast majority of people, especially the young people, marched to express their approval and applauded. ![]() |