孤立无援的近义词成语 【孤军奋战】 【孤立寡与】 【孤立无助】 【孤军作战】 【孤掌难鸣】 孤立无援的反义词四字词语 〖一呼百应〗 〖一呼百诺〗 〖里应外合〗 孤立无援的近义词成语带有解释 〖孤立寡与〗: 指没有人扶持,没有人援助。 〖孤立无助〗: 只有一个人或一方面的力量,得不到外力援助。 〖孤掌难鸣〗: 一个巴掌拍不响。比喻一个人力量薄弱难以成事。 〖孤军作战〗: 孤立无援的军队单独奋战。比喻单独办事,没有人支援。 〖孤军奋战〗: 奋战:尽全力地战斗。孤立无助的军队单独对敌作战。也比喻一个人或一个集体无人支援、帮助的情况下努力从事某项斗争。 孤立无援的反义词四字词语带有解释 一呼百应 [yīhūbǎiyìng] 一声召唤,群起响应。形容威信高,响应者多。 里应外合 [lǐyìngwàihé] 外面进攻,里面配合接应。 一呼百诺 [yīhūbǎinuò] 一人呼唤,百人应答。形容有钱有势,仆从很多。 关于孤立无援的详细解释 gūlìwúyuán 【成语的意思和解释】--孤立:没有得到同情和援助。指单独行事;没有援助。 【成语来源出自哪里】--南朝宋范晔《后汉书班超传》:“焉耆以中国大丧,遂功没都护陈睦。超孤立无援,而龟兹姑墨数发兵攻疏勒。” 【成语繁体字写法】--孤立無援 【成语拼音简写】--glwy 【褒义还是贬义】--贬义成语,贬低批评人和事的四字词语 【成语使用办法和性质】--联合式;作状语、定语;用于人 【成语形式结构】--联合式成语 扩展阅读:用孤立无援写一句话 (1)、许多年后还会记得,在自己孤立无援的时候,有这样一个少年像天兵天将一样轰然降临在自己面前,而自己很不争气地嚎啕大哭了。 (1) many years later, I will still remember that when I was alone and helpless, there was such a young man who came to me like a heavenly soldier and a heavenly general, and I cried out in frustration. (2)、司机一方不停的有人帮他起哄,显得得意洋洋看戏的架势,莫舒云是孤立无援还有这样一个美如冠玉的娇柔女子站在旁边需要保护更显得处于劣势。 (2) on the driver's side, someone kept coaxing him, and he looked elated. Mo Shuyun was isolated and helpless. There was such a beautiful and delicate woman standing beside him who needed protection, which made her even more at a disadvantage. (3)、习惯了软弱,心也会逐渐软弱起来,习惯了依赖,会渐渐忘记如何依靠自己。一旦眼泪失去效力,一旦陷入孤立无援的境地,如果变得软弱了,该怎样去保护身边的亲人和自己? (3) when you get used to weakness, your heart will gradually become weak. When you get used to dependence, you will gradually forget how to rely on yourself. Once the tears lose their effectiveness, once they fall into a helpless situation, if they become weak, how can they protect their relatives and themselves? (4)、利用常规的操作系统,流量的大量增加将冲垮这台孤立无援的服务器. (4) with the conventional operating system, the large increase of traffic will destroy this isolated server. (5)、向下望了望,没有谁愿意这个时候站出来说两句,唯一愿意站出来的王东明也是个憨包玩意儿,这个时刻,汪在和真实的感受到了什么叫做孤立无援。 (5) looking down, no one is willing to stand up and say something at this time. The only one who is willing to stand up is Wang Dongming. At this moment, Wang Zaihe really feels what it means to be alone. ![]() |