心有余悸的近义词成语 【心惊肉跳】 【谈虎色变】 【惊弓之鸟】 心有余悸的反义词四字词语 〖神色不惊〗 〖泰然自若〗 心有余悸的近义词成语带有解释 (一)、心惊肉跳:形容担心灾祸临头,恐慌不安。心惊肉跳 (二)、惊弓之鸟:被弓箭吓怕了的鸟不容易安定。比喻经过惊吓的人碰到惊弓之鸟 心有余悸的反义词四字词语带有解释 泰然自若 [tàiránzìruò] 形容镇定,毫不在意的样子:他临危不惧,神情~。 神色不惊 [shénsèbùjīng] 神色:神情。神情显得没有受到惊动而十分镇定。 关于心有余悸的详细解释 xīn yǒu yú jì 【成语的意思和解释】--指可怕的事情虽已过去;心里还感到害怕。悸:因为害怕而心跳。 【成语来源出自哪里】--柳洲《风雨桃花洲》:“谈到三年前倒圩的情景,赵老大心有余悸地说:‘那次桃花洲的人淹死了一半,庄稼全毁了。’” 【成语拼音简写】--xyyj 【褒义还是贬义】--贬义成语,常用来批评贬低人的四字词语 【成语使用办法和性质】--主谓式;作谓语、定语、状语;含贬义 【成语形式结构】--主谓式成语 扩展阅读:用心有余悸写一句话 (1)、其实最让人心有余悸的,还是赌局上这种瞬息千变万化的局面,很多时候,局中人都无法左右自己的处境,不知不觉的就被逼入险境,这才是它最可怕的地方。 (1) in fact, the most frightening thing is the ever-changing situation in gambling. Most of the time, people in the game are unable to control their own situation and are unconsciously forced into danger. This is the most terrible part of it. (2)、我紧紧搂住爸爸,心有余悸地看了一眼地下的东西,悬着的心才落了地;唉,哪是蛇呀,分明是一段绳头嘛! (2) I hugged my father tightly and looked at the things underground with a lingering fear, and then my heart fell to the ground. Alas, it's a snake, it's a rope head! (3)、每一个脸上都是菜色,一副营养不良的状况,但是眼神所透出的那股子坚韧的精气神,和凶狠的气息,让马如龙都心有余悸。 (3) every face is full of vegetable color, which is in a state of malnutrition, but the tough spirit and fierce breath in his eyes make Ma Rulong's heart palpitate. (4)、岩井女士说,人们都对地震海啸心有余悸,她自己就感觉像在海浪里的一叶孤舟一般。 (4) Ms. Iwai said that people are still worried about the earthquake and tsunami, and she feels like a boat in the waves. (5)、我仍然心有余悸;我心中仍潜藏着一种不安之感。 (5) I am still palpitating; there is still a sense of uneasiness in my heart. ![]() |