哭哭啼啼的近义词成语 【抽抽噎噎】 【哼哼唧唧】 【抱头痛哭】 【呜呜咽咽】 哭哭啼啼的反义词四字词语 〖喜笑颜开〗 哭哭啼啼的近义词成语带有解释 〖抱头痛哭〗: 指十分伤心或感动,抱头大哭。 〖哼哼唧唧〗: 形容说话装模作样,拿腔拿调。也形容生病时的呻吟声。 〖呜呜咽咽〗: 1.悲泣声。 〖抽抽噎噎〗: 形容低声哭泣。 哭哭啼啼的反义词四字词语带有解释 【哭哭啼啼】 关于哭哭啼啼的详细解释 kūkūtítí 【成语的意思和解释】--不停的哭泣。 【成语来源出自哪里】--清曹雪芹《红楼梦》第六十七回:“这如今才好些,又这样哭哭啼啼,岂不是自己糟蹋了自己身子。” 【成语繁体字写法】--哭哭嗁嗁 【成语拼音简写】--kktt 【褒义还是贬义】--中性成语词语,没有明显褒义贬义批评或者赞美 【成语使用办法和性质】--作谓语、状语;指哭泣 【成语形式结构】--联合式成语 扩展阅读:用哭哭啼啼写一句话 (1)、哭哭啼啼的阿华让萧文一阵心烦,都懒得再看他,当即挥手示意士卒将其带出去,接着冲着耿直一抱拳,“还请耿将军点出其中关节。 (1) Xiao Wen was upset by the crying ah Hua. He didn't want to look at him any more. He immediately waved his hand to show the soldier to take him out, and then threw a fist at Geng Zhi, "please point out the joints. (2)、刚刚看到夫妻吵架哭哭啼啼宝宝就一直皱着眉头。 (2) just seeing the couple quarreling and crying, the baby always frowns. (3)、于是先是卧倒在床,掩面哭哭啼啼起来,董卓一见,一半怪怨一半又觉怜爱。 (3) at first, he lay down in bed, covered his face and began to cry. When Dong Zhuo saw him, he was half resentful and half pitied. (4)、人家送你礼物,你不但不高兴,反而不停地哭哭啼啼,真是扫兴!快些走吧! (4) when someone gives you a gift, you are not only unhappy, but also constantly crying. It's really disappointing! Let's go quickly! (5)、现在发生的事对她再好也没有了,我能对着这样的好事哭哭啼啼,做出一副悲天悯人的样子吗? (5) nothing can be better for her than what happened now. Can I cry for such a good thing and look compassionate? ![]() |