天怒人怨的近义词成语 【怨声载道】 【怨天忧人】 【人神共愤】 【怨天尤人】 【气愤填胸】 【义愤填膺】 天怒人怨的反义词四字词语 〖拍手称快〗 〖德高望重〗 〖歌功颂德〗 〖德配天地〗 〖高山景行〗 天怒人怨的近义词成语带有解释 (一)、义愤填膺:义愤:对违反正义的事情所产生的愤怒;膺:胸。发于义愤填膺 (二)、怨声载道:载:充满。怨恨的声音充满道路。形容人民群众普遍强怨声载道 天怒人怨的反义词四字词语带有解释 德高望重 [dégāowàngzhòng] 品德高尚,又有很高的声望。 德配天地 [dépèitiāndì] 指道德可与天地匹配。极言道德之高尚盛大。 歌功颂德 [gēgōngsòngdé] 用语言、诗歌或文字来颂扬功劳和德行(现多含贬义)。 拍手称快 [pāishǒuchēngkuài] 拍着手说痛快。多用来形容正义伸张、公愤消除时大家高兴满意的样子。 高山景行 [gāoshānjǐngxíng] 《诗经·小雅·车辖》:“高山仰止,景行行止”(高山:比喻道德高尚;景行:比喻行为光明正大;止:语助词),后来用“高山景行”指崇高的德行。 关于天怒人怨的详细解释 tiānnùrényuàn 【成语的意思和解释】--上天震怒;人民怨恨。形容作恶多端;激起普遍愤怒。 【成语来源出自哪里】--南朝宋范晔《后汉书袁绍传》:“自是士林愤痛,人怨天怒,一夫奋臂,举州同声。” 【成语拼音简写】--tnry 【褒义还是贬义】--贬义成语,贬低批评人和事的四字词语 【成语使用办法和性质】--联合式;作谓语、宾语;含贬义 【成语形式结构】--联合式成语 扩展阅读:用天怒人怨写一句话 (1)、当年始皇暴政,民不聊生,天怒人怨,人神共愤!焚书坑儒,大建长城,豪盖阿房宫,密修骊山陵园,四处寻找长生不老药。 (1) when the first emperor was tyrannical, the people were in dire straits, and the people and the gods were angry together! Burning books and pitching scholars, building the Great Wall, building a-fang palace, building Lishan cemetery secretly, and looking for elixirs everywhere. (2)、最终由于劳民伤财,天怒人怨,被手下的大将宇文化及杀害在了江都。 (2) he was killed in Jiangdu by his great general Yu wenhuaji because of his work and money. (3)、军师元始见元帅回肠九转,抑郁不平,言道:元帅不必痛心,古乾霸不听善劝,暴夺三界,致天怒人怨,争战也是必然。 (3) at the beginning of the war, the military commander saw that the marshal was depressed and discontented. He said: don't worry about the marshal. Gu qianba didn't listen to good advice and seized the three realms violently, causing anger and resentment. War is inevitable. (4)、今韩玄残暴不仁,轻贤慢士,天怒人怨,愿杀此人者于我前来! (4) today, Han Xuan is cruel and ruthless. He despises the virtuous and the gentle. He is angry and resentful. He is willing to kill this man before me! (5)、若不是段长空告诉他那两个小袋子就是宝贵的空间袋,叶苏说什么也不会和段老头狼狈为奸,干出这种天怒人怨的缺德事来。 (5) if Duan Changkong hadn't told him that the two small bags were precious space bags, Ye Su would have done nothing in collusion with Duan to do such a wicked thing. ![]() |