天长日久的近义词成语 【天长地久】 【长年累月】 【年深日久】 【遥遥无期】 【地久天长】 【千秋万代】 【长此以往】 天长日久的反义词四字词语 〖稍纵即逝〗 天长日久的近义词成语带有解释 (一)、天长地久:跟天和地存在的时间那样长。形容时间悠久。也形容永天长地久 (二)、长年累月:长年:整年;累月:很多个月。形容经过了很多年月。长年累月 天长日久的反义词四字词语带有解释 【天长日久】 关于天长日久的详细解释 tiānchángrìjiǔ 【成语的意思和解释】--时间长,日子久。 【成语来源出自哪里】--清文康《儿女英雄传》:“天长日久,这等几间小屋子,弄一对大猱头狮子,不时的对吼起来,更不成事!” 【成语繁体字写法】--天長日久 【成语拼音简写】--tcrj 【褒义还是贬义】--中性成语词语,没有明显褒义贬义批评或者赞美 【成语使用办法和性质】--联合式;作谓语;形容时间长久 【成语形式结构】--联合式成语 扩展阅读:用天长日久写一句话 (1)、试想,蛙既然能静心于井底观天,天长日久,必定会对眼前那方蓝天中星转斗移、日月变更熟谙无比。 (1) imagine that since frog can watch the sky at the bottom of the well for a long time, he will be very familiar with the stars and the changes of the sun and the moon in the blue sky. (2)、天长日久,吸纳的金精灵气日益增多,积蓄体内难以化解,就形成了金精火毒,而甲木真灵则是驱除火毒的无上灵药。 (2) as time goes on, more and more gold spirit Qi is absorbed, and it is difficult to dissolve the accumulation in the body, so the gold essence fire poison is formed, and Jiamu Zhenling is the supreme elixir to expel the fire poison. (3)、我不喜欢每日里跟随在我后面的这个老实人,虽然天长日久中我知道这个人并不想对我们有什么害处。 (3) I don't like the honest man who follows me every day, although I know that he doesn't want to do us any harm in the long run. (4)、这样天长日久呢,女孩就面黄肌瘦,很虚弱。 (4) for a long time, the girl is pale and thin, and very weak. (5)、很明显大多是少年们都是从这个地方翻出去的,由于天长日久,此处墙壁不断遭人踩踏,最后也就不堪重负的倒塌了不少。 (5) it's obvious that most of the teenagers turned out from this place. As time goes on, the walls here were trampled by people, and finally collapsed. ![]() |