情深意重的近义词成语 【情投意合】 【一往情深】 【情逾骨肉】 【情深义重】 情深意重的反义词四字词语 〖深恶痛绝〗 〖薄情寡意〗 〖深恶痛疾〗 情深意重的近义词成语带有解释 〖情投意合〗: 形容双方思想感情融洽,意见一致,彼此很合得来。 〖情逾骨肉〗: 逾:超过;骨肉:比喻至亲。形容感情极其深厚。 〖一往情深〗: 指对人或事物有深厚的感情,十分向往留恋。 〖情深义重〗: 指情感深远、恩义厚重。 情深意重的反义词四字词语带有解释 深恶痛绝 [shēnwùtòngjué] 极端地厌恶、痛恨。恶(wù)。 深恶痛疾 [shēnwùtòngjí] 恶:厌恶;痛:痛恨。指对某人或某事物极端厌恶痛恨。 关于情深意重的详细解释 qíngshēnyìzhòng 【成语的意思和解释】--情意深重。 【成语来源出自哪里】--清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第五十八回:“比如男子丧了妻,或有必当续弦者,也必要续弦为是。便只是不把死的丢过不提,便是情深意重了。” 【成语拼音简写】--qsyz 【褒义还是贬义】--中性成语词语,没有明显褒义贬义批评或者赞美 【成语使用办法和性质】--作宾语、定语;指人重感情 【成语形式结构】--联合式成语 扩展阅读:用情深意重写一句话 (1)、岁月,指间流走;茶香,韵味悠长;酒醇,沉醉舒畅;思念,随心而起;友谊,情深意重;问候,沁你心脾;祝福,真挚传达;我想,祝你快乐! (1) years flow through your fingers; the fragrance of tea has a long lasting charm; the wine is mellow, intoxicated and comfortable; missing, rising with your heart; friendship, deep affection; greetings, refreshing your heart; blessing, sincere communication; I think, I wish you happiness! (2)、端午节到,送你一颗吉祥粽。翠绿的粽叶重重,是我的情深意重;洁白的糯米万千,是我无数的思念;香甜的豆沙居中,是我的情意浓浓。愿你拨开烦恼,咬住香甜,品尝幸福,回味悠远! (2) when the Dragon Boat Festival comes, I will send you a lucky Zong. The green leaves are my deep affection; the white glutinous rice is my miss; the sweet bean paste is my deep affection. May you get rid of the trouble, bite the sweet, taste the happiness, and have a long aftertaste! (3)、中秋日渐近,口水不断流;若要吃得饱,月饼在二楼。独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲;遥知兄弟聚一处,同吃月饼少一人。饼外过度包装,饼内情深意重。迎来送往有踪,甜蜜不是梦! (3) the Mid Autumn Festival is approaching, and the saliva will not stop; if you want to eat enough, the moon cake is on the second floor. When you are alone in a foreign land, you will miss your relatives more than once during the festival. When you know your brothers are together, you will eat moon cakes less than one person. Excessive packaging on the outside of the cake and deep affection on the inside. Sweet is not a dream! (4)、快乐的时钟已经调好,分分秒秒尽情欢笑;惬意的时光已然来到,轻轻松松心情美妙;温馨的问候身旁围绕,情深意重清凉来到。愿你暑假快乐逍遥! (4) the happy clock has been set, and every minute is full of laughter; the pleasant time has come, and the mood is beautiful; the warm greetings are around, and the deep feelings and cool are coming. Wish you a happy summer vacation! (5)、启禀陛下,臣有事要“周”:昔千里送鹅毛,犹情深意重深似海;今短信送祝福,非知心朋友不为。发者欣欣,收者陶陶。曰:周末愉快。 (5) I would like to inform your majesty that I have something to do with "Zhou": in the past, when I sent goose feathers thousands of miles away, I was as affectionate as the sea; now I send messages to send blessings, but not to my intimate friends. The sender is happy and the receiver is Tao Tao. Happy weekend. ![]() |