大风大浪的近义词成语 【波涛汹涌】 【惊涛骇浪】 大风大浪的反义词四字词语 〖风平浪静〗 大风大浪的近义词成语带有解释 (一)、波涛汹涌:汹涌:水势腾涌的样子。形容波浪又大又急。波涛汹涌 (二)、惊涛骇浪:涛:大波浪;骇:使惊怕。汹涌吓人的浪涛。比喻险恶惊涛骇浪 大风大浪的反义词四字词语带有解释 【大风大浪】 关于大风大浪的详细解释 dàfēngdàlàng 【成语的意思和解释】--指巨大的风浪。比喻社会的大动荡、大变化。也比喻尖锐、复杂、激烈、艰苦的斗争。 【成语来源出自哪里】--**《在中国共产党全国宣传工作会议上的讲话》:“大风大浪也不可怕。人类社会就是从大风大浪中发展起来的。” 【成语繁体字写法】--大風大浪 【成语拼音简写】--dfdl 【褒义还是贬义】--中性成语词语,没有明显褒义贬义批评或者赞美 【成语使用办法和性质】--联合式;作主语、宾语;指斗争激烈 【成语形式结构】--联合式成语 扩展阅读:用大风大浪写一句话 (1)、放下忧伤,在心的海洋里翱翔,任凭大风大浪,任凭风雨阻挡,只要充满希望,梦想就在远方,抓住幸福的双桨,前途一片明亮,世界旅游日,尽现青春的本色。 (1) let go of the sadness and soar in the ocean of heart. Let the wind and the waves and the wind and rain stop you. As long as you are full of hope, your dream will be far away. Seize the double oars of happiness and your future will be bright. World tourism day will show the true color of youth. (2)、股民“挽救老本”2006年进入股市,经历过2008年的大熊市,算是见过大风大浪的“老麻雀”。 (2) investors "save their old capital" entered the stock market in 2006 and experienced the bear market in 2008. They are regarded as "old sparrows" who have seen big waves. (3)、他一生经历了不少大风大浪。 (3) he has experienced many big storms in his life. (4)、听了老师的话,王平仿佛大风大浪。 (4) after listening to the teacher's words, Wang Ping seemed to be in a storm. (5)、崔永元:张钧先谈谈你走这一路的感受吧?遇到过什么大风大浪没?嘉宾:我记得最深的一次可能就是走大坂界山,是吧?噢,界山大坂。崔永元:是挺危险的,都忘了地名了。 (5) Cui Yongyuan: Zhang Jun, let's talk about your feelings on this road first? Have you ever met any big waves? Guest: the one I remember most is probably going to Osaka Jieshan, right? Oh, Osaka, Jieshan. Cui Yongyuan: it's dangerous. I forgot the place name. ![]() |