峥嵘岁月的近义词成语 【岁月峥嵘】 峥嵘岁月的反义词四字词语 〖平凡日子〗 峥嵘岁月的近义词成语带有解释 【峥嵘岁月】 峥嵘岁月的反义词四字词语带有解释 【峥嵘岁月】 关于峥嵘岁月的详细解释 zhēng róng suì yuè 【成语的意思和解释】-- 峥嵘:山势高峻的样子;引申为不平常;特别。形容不平凡的岁月。 【成语来源出自哪里】-- 宋 廖行之《沁园春 和苏宣教韵》词:“峥嵘岁月,分阴可惜,一日三秋。” 【成语繁体字写法】-- 峥嶸歲月 【成语拼音简写】-- zrsy 【褒义还是贬义】-- 中性成语词语,没有明显褒义贬义 【成语使用办法和性质】-- 偏正式;作主语、宾语、定语;形容不平凡的日子 【成语形式结构】-- 偏正式成语 扩展阅读:用峥嵘岁月写一句话 (1)、我要把它镶在镜框里,以纪念这些峥嵘岁月,同时它也是我们友谊的标志。 (1) I want to set it in the frame to commemorate these extraordinary years, and it is also a symbol of our friendship. (2)、峥嵘岁月里,一腔热血铸英魂;血染风采里,铁骨铮铮书青春;日寇铁蹄下,浴血奋战忠报国;卢沟桥的历史,告诫着落后就要挨打;九一八事变,证明着中华儿女魂不怕;铭记历史,勿忘国。 (2) in the eventful years, the soul was forged with blood; in the blood stained style, the youth was written with iron; under the iron feet of the Japanese aggressors, they fought hard to serve the country; the history of Lugouqiao warned that backwardness was about to be beaten; the September 18th Incident proved that the souls of the Chinese people were not afraid; remember the history and never forget the country. (3)、忆往昔峥嵘岁月稠。恰同学少年,风华正茂;书生意气,挥斥方遒。 (3) recalling the past. As a young student, he is in full bloom; as a scholar, he is full of spirit. (4)、拥有海一样的男人,盛满了女人水的阔气,扬帆划过女人的心悸,诉说懵懂的回忆,闯入海市蜃楼繁华的领地,带着记忆穿越在摩天大厦的厅里,讲述着峥嵘岁月的慷慨豪气,洋溢的气息让女人感到甜蜜。 (4) having a man like the sea, full of women's wealth, sailing across women's palpitations, telling the ignorant memories, rushing into the mirage and prosperous territory, crossing the skyscraper hall with memory, telling the generous and heroic spirit of the eventful years, and the overflowing breath makes women feel sweet. (5)、两位老将军正在回忆当年的峥嵘岁月。 (5) two old generals are recalling the extraordinary years of that year. ![]() |