失之交臂的近义词成语 【当面错过】 【失诸交臂】 【坐失良机】 失之交臂的反义词四字词语 〖时不可失〗 〖冤家路窄〗 〖不期而遇〗 〖伺机而动〗 〖相机而动〗 〖旧雨重逢〗 〖适逢其会〗 〖机不可失〗 失之交臂的近义词成语带有解释 〖失诸交臂〗: 指当面错过机会。 〖当面错过〗: 面对面地失去了机会。 〖坐失良机〗: 不主动及时行动而失去好机会。 失之交臂的反义词四字词语带有解释 不期而遇 [bùqīéryù] 没有约定而意外地相遇。 机不可失 [jībùkěshī] 机:机会;时:时机。好的时机不可放过,失掉了不会再来。 相机而动 [xiàngjīérdòng] 观察时机,看到适当机会立即行动。 冤家路窄 [yuānjiālùzhǎi] 仇人或不愿意相见的人偏偏容易相逢,无可回避。 旧雨重逢 [jiùyǔchóngféng] 旧雨:老朋友的代称。指老朋友又相遇了。 适逢其会 [shìféngqíhuì] 恰巧碰上那个机会、时机。 伺机而动 [sìjīérdòng] 是在窥伺时机来采取行动的意思。 时不可失 [shíbùkěshī] 时:时机,机会;失:错过。抓住时机,不可错过。 关于失之交臂的详细解释 失之交臂[ shī zhī jiāo bì ] [ shī zhī jiāo bì ] 也说交臂失之。《庄子·田子方》:“吾终身与汝交一臂而失之。” 形容当面错过了好机会。交臂:胳膊碰胳膊,指走得很靠近,擦肩而过。 扩展阅读:用失之交臂写一句话 (1)、环之差与冠军失之交臂,最后晕倒而泪洒沙场的悲壮,以及我们资深望重的何振梁先生扶了他而泪影模糊的悲情,历历如昨。 (1) the tragic experience of the difference between the ring and the champion, and finally fainting and tears in the battlefield, as well as the sad feeling of our respected Mr. He Zhenliang who helped him with tears. (2)、梅西有时感觉那浮影匆匆的就是他的人生,而失之交臂的是无数他爱过的女人,或者爱他的女人。 (2) sometimes Messi feels that what is in a hurry is his life, while what is missing is countless women he has loved, or women who love him. (3)、在我们短促而又漫长的一生中,我们在苦苦地寻找人生的幸福,可幸福往往又与我们失之交臂。当我们为此而耗尽宝贵的青春年华,皱纹也悄悄地爬上了眼角的时候,我们或许才能稍稍懂得生活实际上意味着什么。路遥 (3) in our short and long life, we are looking for the happiness of life, but happiness is often missed. When we run out of precious youth, wrinkles also quietly climb the corner of the eye, we may be able to understand what life actually means. Lu Yao (4)、很多困惑多是因为懒。因为懒,与机会失之交臂;因为懒,前方一片迷雾。 (4) a lot of confusion is mostly due to laziness. Because of laziness, opportunities are missed; because of laziness, there is a fog ahead. (5)、世界上有很多伟人也差点儿跟成功失之交臂。 (5) there are many great people in the world who almost miss success. ![]() |