弥天大谎的近义词成语 【漫天大谎】 【瞒天大谎】 【谩天大谎】 【欺人之谈】 【瞒天过海】 【迷天大谎】 弥天大谎的反义词四字词语 〖肺腑之言〗 〖实话实说〗 弥天大谎的近义词成语带有解释 〖迷天大谎〗: 迷:1、通“弥”。形容极大2、通"弥"。 〖瞒天大谎〗: 指天大的谎话。形容漫无边际的假话。 〖漫天大谎〗: 弥天大谎,没有边际的假话。 〖瞒天过海〗: 比喻用伪装来瞒哄对方,偷偷地行动。 〖欺人之谈〗: 欺骗人的话。 弥天大谎的反义词四字词语带有解释 实话实说 [shíhuàshíshuō] 用直截了当的方法讲出真实情况。 肺腑之言 [fèifǔzhīyán] 发自内心的真诚的话。 关于弥天大谎的详细解释 mí tiān dà huǎng 【成语的意思和解释】--弥:充满。天大的谎话。mí弥迷 【成语来源出自哪里】--元 王伯成《李太白贬夜郎》:“那厮主置定乱宫心,酝酿着漫天谎。” 【成语繁体字写法】--彌天大謊 【成语拼音简写】--mtdh 【褒义还是贬义】--贬义成语,常用来批评贬低人的四字词语 【成语使用办法和性质】--偏正式;作宾语;形容非常荒谬的谎言 【成语形式结构】--偏正式成语 扩展阅读:用弥天大谎写一句话 (1)、为了嫁祸于人,他撒了个弥天大谎。 (1) in order to blame others, he told a big lie. (2)、一个女人,即使她心里火烧火辣的,想委身于人,但是她们通常总要否认自己有这种打算,还要装出一副惊恐万状或者怒不可遏的样子,非等男人再三恳求,说一通弥天大谎,赌咒发誓和作出种种许诺,这才愿意平息下来。茨威格 (2) a woman, even though she is burning in her heart and wants to commit herself to others, usually denies that she has such a plan, pretends to be terrified or angry, and is willing to calm down until a man pleads repeatedly, tells a big lie, swears and makes all kinds of promises. Zweig (3)、周奎看着自己的弟兄们争论不休,心里苦涩不堪,众人当中唯有他知道,秘籍之事不过是六侄为了保全自己,信口扯下的弥天大谎而已。 (3) Zhou Kui watched his brothers argue endlessly, and his heart was bitter. He was the only one who knew that the secret book was just a big lie that his sixth nephew had told in order to protect himself. (4)、赵高指鹿为马,这真是弥天大谎。 (4) it's a big lie for Zhao Gao to point out that a deer is a horse. (5)、然而,她在收拾母亲遗物的时候却发现一个疑似弥天大谎,与三十年前救他们母女的报纸珍藏在一起的是一张狗凫水的画像。 (5) however, when she was collecting her mother's belongings, she found that a picture of goufushui, which is suspected to be a big lie, was collected together with the newspaper that saved their mother and daughter 30 years ago. ![]() |