咫尺天涯的近义词成语 【天各一方】 【咫尺万里】 【千里迢迢】 【远在天边】 【咫尺千里】 咫尺天涯的反义词四字词语 〖近在咫尺〗 〖天涯若比邻〗 〖一衣带水〗 咫尺天涯的近义词成语带有解释 〖咫尺千里〗: 比喻距离虽近,但很难相见,象是远在天边一样。 〖千里迢迢〗: 迢迢:遥远。形容路途遥远。 〖咫尺万里〗: 形容画幅虽小,意境深远。后也指诗文的含意深远。 〖天各一方〗: 指彼此相隔遥远,难于相见。 咫尺天涯的反义词四字词语带有解释 天涯若比邻 [tiānyáruòbǐlín] 原为唐诗一句。王勃《送杜少府之任蜀州》:海内存知己,天涯若比邻。现在常用来表达对远方友人的情谊,特指对外国人的情谊。 近在咫尺 [jìnzàizhǐchǐ] 形容距离很近。苏轼《杭州谢上表》:“凛然威光,近在咫尺。”咫(zhǐ):古代长度名。周制八寸,合现在市尺六寸二分二厘。 一衣带水 [yīyīdàishuǐ] 一水相隔,如同衣带那样窄。比喻双方离得很近。《南史·陈后主纪》:“岂可限一衣带水不拯之乎?” 关于咫尺天涯的详细解释 zhǐ chǐ tiān yá 【成语的意思和解释】-- 比喻距离虽近;却像远在天边一样(咫:古代长度单位;八寸;天涯:天边)。 【成语来源出自哪里】-- 唐 李中《宫词二首》:“门锁帘垂月影斜,翠华咫尺隔天涯。” 【成语拼音简写】-- zcty 【褒义还是贬义】-- 中性成语词语,没有明显褒义贬义 【成语使用办法和性质】-- 紧缩式;作主语、谓语、宾语;形容难以相见 【成语形式结构】-- 紧缩式成语 扩展阅读:用咫尺天涯写一句话 (1)、人生往往就是这样,只差一步,就是咫尺天涯,殊途陌路。各自想着自己的心思,你在试探我,我在猜测你,谁都没走出那一步,然后在茫茫人海擦身,走向各自的轨迹。君子江山 (1) life is often like this, only one step away, that is, close to the end of the world, different roads. Each thinking of their own mind, you are testing me, I guess you, who did not step out of that step, and then brush in the vast sea of people, to their own track. Junzi Jiangshan (2)、顾忆笙望着身边的林朗,那种咫尺天涯的荒凉感将她瞬间淹没。微酸袅袅 (2) Gu Yisheng looks at Lin Lang beside her, and the desolation of being close to the world drowns her in an instant. Slightly acidic (3)、周四身心疲惫,不堪承受劳累,周五咫尺天涯,周末望眼欲穿。冬天到了,春天还会远吗?周四到了,周六还会远吗?祝您星期四愉快! (3) on Thursdays, I am physically and mentally tired, and I can't bear the fatigue. On Fridays, I can't wait to see you on weekends. When winter comes, can spring be far behind? When Thursday comes, will saturday be far away? Have a nice Thursday! (4)、在他回来之前,我会在那里等待。细想也没有什么,人生不就是等和被等这两种状态么,用来丈量两者之间距离的,不过人心。从前咫尺天涯,希望而后能天涯咫尺,但最好的状态还是只要咫尺不要天涯,就好了。by君拂。唐七公子 (4) I will wait there before he comes back. It's nothing to think about. Life is just two states of waiting and being waited. It's used to measure the distance between the two, but people's heart. Once upon a time, I wish I could be close to the end of the world, but the best state is as long as I am not close to the end of the world. By Jun Fu. Tang qigongzi (5)、不必问落花,把笑容留下;踏一片山水明净,量一方咫尺天涯;幸福吐露枝芽,好运聚沙成塔;惦记总在守望,情意朴实无华;寄语无限祝福,愿你前程如画! (5) don't ask about the falling flowers, leave your smile behind; step on a clear landscape, and measure the distance of the world; express your happiness, and your good luck will become a tower; always keep watch, and your love is simple; send infinite blessings, and wish you a picturesque future! ![]() |