异乎寻常的近义词成语 【与众不同】 异乎寻常的反义词四字词语 〖平淡无奇〗 异乎寻常的近义词成语带有解释 【异乎寻常】 异乎寻常的反义词四字词语带有解释 【异乎寻常】 关于异乎寻常的详细解释 yì hū xún cháng 【成语的意思和解释】-- 异:不同;寻常:平常 。不同于平常。 【成语来源出自哪里】-- 清 吴趼人《二十年目睹之怪现状》第70回:“耽误了点年纪,还没有甚么要紧,还把他的脾气惯得异乎寻常的出奇。” 【成语繁体字写法】-- 異乎尋常 【成语拼音简写】-- yhxc 【褒义还是贬义】-- 中性成语词语,没有明显褒义贬义 【成语使用办法和性质】-- 偏正式;作谓语、定语、状语、补语;同与众不同 【成语形式结构】-- 偏正式成语 扩展阅读:用异乎寻常写一句话 (1)、(三人一凛,转头看去,秦磊左边是一位年纪十七八岁的年轻人,身形却异乎寻常的强壮,身后被这一把长刀,从服装来看他是狂刀门的弟子。 (1) looking around, Qin Lei's left side is a 17-year-old young man, who is unusually strong. He is surrounded by this long sword. Judging from his clothes, he is a disciple of crazy sword sect. (2)、(放眼望去,众人的吃饭的姿势都是那么的端正缓慢,丝毫不着急,特别是那些女孩,慢得异乎寻常。 (2) looking around, people's eating posture is so correct and slow that they don't worry at all, especially those girls. (3)、(芬芳香味,崭新感受,散漫著异乎寻常花果幽香,具诱惑力,使人愉快。专供旅行用限量产品。 (3) fragrant fragrance, new feeling, scattered with extraordinary fragrance of flowers and fruits, attractive and pleasant. Limited products for travel. (4)、(紫袍血魂手白启大笑一声,抬手就向着表现异乎寻常的廖不清拍去。 (4) Bai Qi, the blood soul in purple robe, laughs and raises his hand to pat Liao Wu, who is showing unusual performance. (5)、(霸王举鼎,虽属被动战技,但其威力却是异乎寻常,曾被称为兽族第一练体战技。 (5) although it is a passive combat skill, its power is extraordinary. It was once known as the first physical combat skill of the orcs. ![]() |