安民告示的近义词成语 【没有相关词语】 安民告示的反义词四字词语 〖没有相关词语〗 安民告示的近义词成语带有解释 【安民告示】 安民告示的反义词四字词语带有解释 【安民告示】 关于安民告示的详细解释 ān mín gào shì 【成语的意思和解释】--安:安定;告示:布告。①原指官府在新官上任或社会变乱后;为安定民心所发布的文告。②现借指把要办的事或问题预先通知下来;让大家有所准备。 【成语来源出自哪里】--清 黄小配《洪秀全演义》第25回:“李秀成全不费力,已拔了南康城……先出安民告示,次第收复汝宁、饶州各郡县。” 【成语拼音简写】--amgs 【褒义还是贬义】--中性成语词语,没有明显褒义贬义 【成语使用办法和性质】--偏正式;作谓语、定语;形容提前通知人做好准备 【成语形式结构】--偏正式成语 扩展阅读:用安民告示写一句话 (1)、郡守即令部下立刻起草一份安民告示,贴于北门外,并将虎掌悬于告示旁示众。 (1) the sheriff immediately ordered his subordinates to draw up a notice for the people's livelihood, paste it outside the north gate, and hang the tiger's paw beside the notice for public display. (2)、那东门口贴着两张告示,一张是安民告示,写着《关于处决赤匪伪闽赣军区邵威等一干人犯的通告》,告示上齐刷刷地写着一排人名,都用朱红笔打上了打叉。 (2) there are two notices pasted at the east gate. One is a placard for the people, which reads "notice on the execution of red bandits, fake Fujian Jiangxi military region Shao Wei and other criminals". On the notice, a row of people's names are written, and they are all crossed with red ink. (3)、你立刻下去张贴安民告示,维护城中秩序,若有人违抗军纪,不管是谁。 (3) go down immediately and put up a placard to maintain the order in the city. If anyone disobeys the military discipline, no matter who it is. (4)、封闭城门,任何人没有我的命令不得进出,各处张贴安民告示,严明军纪,如有敢于骚扰百姓者,军法处置!另外,打开官仓,救济本城穷苦百姓! (4) close the city gate, no one is allowed to enter or leave without my order, put up placards everywhere, strictly enforce military discipline, and deal with those who dare to harass the people by military law! In addition, open the official warehouse to relieve the poor people in the city! (5)、小区里贴出了安民告示. (5) placards were posted in the community ![]() |