天伦之乐的近义词成语 【天伦叙乐】 【和睦相处】 【合家欢乐】 天伦之乐的反义词四字词语 〖看破红尘〗 〖孤苦零丁〗 天伦之乐的近义词成语带有解释 合家欢乐 [héjiāhuānlè] 菊花品种之一。 和睦相处 [hémùxiāngchǔ] 彼此融洽的相处。 天伦叙乐 [tiānlúnxùlè] 叙天伦之乐,父子、兄弟的快乐。 天伦之乐的反义词四字词语带有解释 看破红尘 [kànpòhóngchén] 看透人世间的一切,指对生活不再有所追求。 孤苦零丁 [gūkǔlíngdīng] 形容孤单困苦,无依无靠。 关于天伦之乐的详细解释 tiān lún zhī lè 【成语的意思和解释】-- 家人欢聚一堂;亲密友爱的乐趣。天伦:指父子、兄弟、夫妻等亲属关系。 【成语来源出自哪里】-- 唐 李白《春夜宴从弟桃花园序》:“会桃李之芳园,序天伦之乐事。” 【成语繁体字写法】-- 天倫之樂 【成语拼音简写】-- tlzl 【褒义还是贬义】-- 褒义性质的成语,用来赞美一个人和事情 【成语使用办法和性质】-- 偏正式;作宾语;含褒义,泛指家庭的乐趣 【成语形式结构】-- 偏正式成语 扩展阅读:用天伦之乐写一句话 (1)、一人吃饱,全家不饿,来去自由,逍遥洒脱,都道光棍潇洒,谁解其中滋味,饭菜无人做,冷衾凉被窝,辗转难入睡,孤单心寂寞。11小光棍节,愿你早结良缘,享受天伦之乐! (1) when one person is full, the whole family is not hungry. They are free to come and go, free and easy. They are all single and unrestrained. Who can understand the taste of them? The food is not cooked. It's cold and the quilt is cold. It's hard to fall asleep and lonely. 11 little bachelor's day, I hope you get married early and enjoy family happiness! (2)、这对母子,终于化解了一切悲愁怨苦,真的享受天伦之乐了,正在我要退出时,我听见了他们的对话。 (2) the mother and son have finally resolved all their sorrows and grievances and really enjoyed their family. Just as I was about to quit, I heard their conversation. (3)、满目春色的旁边,一首娟秀的小诗表现出喜迎春回大地,福寿齐天享天伦之乐的美好生活。 (3) beside the beautiful spring, a beautiful poem shows the happy life of returning to the earth in spring, enjoying the happiness of family. (4)、假期真是短,快乐无极限,团圆酒都干,聚会歌成片,天伦之乐美,开怀畅谈欢,精神更饱满,工作日程添,专心打拼干,努力创新天。祝你假期愉快完,假后捷报传。 (4) the holidays are short, the happiness is limitless, the reunion drinks are dry, the party songs are full, the happiness of Tianlun is beautiful, the spirit is more full, the work schedule is more, concentrate on hard work, and strive to create a new day. I wish you a happy holiday and good news after the holiday. (5)、前程漫漫-歇歇;心事重重-放放;事务繁繁-缓缓;乐趣多多-玩玩;昔日同窗-聚聚;亲朋好友-走走;山河壮丽-转转;天伦之乐-享享。劳动节快乐! (5) long future - rest; heavy thoughts - release; complex affairs - slow; lots of fun - play; former classmates - get together; relatives and friends - walk; magnificent mountains and rivers - turn around; family happiness - enjoy. happy International Workers ' Day! ![]() |