天塌地陷的近义词成语 【天崩地裂】 【天摧地塌】 【山摇地动】 【地动山摇】 天塌地陷的反义词四字词语 〖没有相关词语〗 天塌地陷的近义词成语带有解释 地动山摇 [dìdòngshānyáo] 地震发生时大地颤动,山河摇摆。亦形容声势浩大或斗争激烈。 天崩地裂 [tiānbēngdìliè] 形容声响强烈或变化巨大,像天塌下、地裂开一样。也说天崩地坼(chè)。 山摇地动 [shānyáodìdòng] 山和地都在摇动。形容声势或力量的强大。 天摧地塌 [tiāncuīdìtā] 摧:毁坏,犹如天塌地陷。比喻重大事变。亦形容巨大声响。 天塌地陷的反义词四字词语带有解释 【天塌地陷】 关于天塌地陷的详细解释 tiāntādìxiàn 【成语的意思和解释】--天坍塌,地裂陷。比喻重大灾变。 【成语来源出自哪里】--清·文康《儿女英雄传》第三十九回:“我有了这件东西,说到得了天塌地陷也是瞎话,横竖咱们大清国万万年,我邓振彪也万万年了。” 【成语拼音简写】--ttdx 【褒义还是贬义】--中性成语词语,没有明显褒义贬义批评或者赞美 【成语使用办法和性质】--作宾语、定语;比喻重大灾变 【成语形式结构】--联合式成语 扩展阅读:用天塌地陷写一句话 (1)、妇女节公告:天下男士请注意,爹是天娘是地,老婆大人是玉帝;可惊天可动地,勿惹玉帝发脾气;如若不然,天塌地陷暴雨至。请高度重视。 (1) Notice on women's Day: please pay attention to men all over the world. Father is heaven, mother is earth, and wife is the Jade Emperor. If not, heaven and earth will collapse and rainstorm will come. Please attach great importance to it. (2)、没那么多废话,唯战而以,战、战、战!战个天塌地陷!战个生死两忘!战个血海尸山! (2) don't talk so much, just fight. Fight, fight, fight! Fight to the end! Fight to forget life and death! Fight to the end! (3)、他们狗咬狗去,任你们打得天崩地坼天塌地陷,只要不来犯我即可。 (3) if they bite the dog, you can fight like hell, as long as you don't attack me. (4)、有一个人会是你的世界,即使天塌地陷,只要他在身边,便没有可以让我惧怕的危险。一度君华 (4) there is a person who will be your world. Even if the earth collapses, as long as he is around, there is no danger that I can be afraid of. Zeng Junhua (5)、你走后,家里闹得天塌地陷,家属院里谁不知道。 (5) after you left, the house was in a state of chaos, and no one in the family home knew. ![]() |