山高水长的近义词成语 【天长地久】 【山长地远】 【万古流芳】 山高水长的反义词四字词语 〖一朝一夕〗 〖遗臭万年〗 山高水长的近义词成语带有解释 〖万古流芳〗: 芳:香,指美名。好名声永远流传。 〖天长地久〗: 跟天和地存在的时间一样长,形容永久不变(多指爱情)。 山高水长的反义词四字词语带有解释 一朝一夕 [yīzhāoyīxī] 一早一晚。《周易·坤》:“非一朝一夕之故,其所由来者渐矣。”形容非常短的时间:非~之功。 遗臭万年 [yíchòuwànnián] 也说遗臭万载。坏名声流传下去,永远被人所唾骂。《晋书·桓温传》:“既不能流芳后世,不足复遗臭万载耶?” 关于山高水长的详细解释 shāngāoshuǐcháng 【成语的意思和解释】--象山一样高耸,如水一般长流。原比喻人的风范或声誉象高山一样永远存在。后比喻恩德深厚。 【成语来源出自哪里】--唐刘禹锡《望赋》:“龙门不见兮,云雾苍苍;乔木何许兮,山高水长。” 【成语繁体字写法】--山高水長 【成语拼音简写】--sgsc 【褒义还是贬义】--中性成语词语,没有明显褒义贬义批评或者赞美 【成语使用办法和性质】--联合式;作谓语、宾语;含褒义 【成语形式结构】--联合式成语 扩展阅读:用山高水长写一句话 (1)、北雁南飞,秋收冬藏,一天更比一天凉,注意保暖添衣裳;走南闯北,山高水长,路漫漫兮人忙忙,保重身体要健康。朋友问候到身旁,愿快乐永驻你心房。 (1) north geese fly south, harvest in autumn and hide in winter. It's cooler day by day. Pay attention to keep warm and add clothes; travel south, mountains and rivers are long, the road is long, people are busy, take care of your health. Friends greeting to the side, may happiness always stay in your heart. (2)、我俩的情谊山高水长。 (2) we have a long friendship. (3)、悬崖下山泉滴漏,形成有“秋棠”“甘露”二泉,开元寺遗址周围崖壁上有“山高水长”“逍遥游”“德岩犹龙”等历代摩崖刻石,雄浑遒劲,清晰可见。 (3) there are two springs named "qiutang" and "Ganlu" under the cliff, and there are cliff inscriptions such as "high mountains and long rivers", "leisurely Tour" and "Deyan Youlong" on the cliff around the Kaiyuan Temple site, which are powerful and clear. (4)、黛瓦粉墙,旖旎晨光,谁人贴花黄。三月春阳,青草浅香,露珠泛柔光。山高水长,你的倔强逆流而上。章珈琪 (4) Daiwa powder wall, beautiful morning light, who pastes yellow. Spring sun in March, grass light fragrance, dew pan soft light. High mountains and long rivers, your stubborn upstream. Zhang Jiaqi (5)、其中包括安佑宫的华表、龙云石;山高水长“土墙”“种松”诗碑;未名湖内的谐奇趣翻尾石鱼、圆明园莳花碑、茜园梅石碑、海岳开襟半月台诗刻碑等。 (5), including the Huabiao and longyunshi of Anyou palace, the "earth wall" and "Zhongsong" poem steles with high mountains and long rivers, the stone fish with harmonious and strange taste in Weiming lake, the Shihua stele of Yuanmingyuan, the plum stele of Qianyuan, the poem stele of Haiyue Kaijin half moon platform, etc. ![]() |