国富民强的近义词成语 【国泰民安】 【民殷国富】 【民富国强】 【国富兵强】 【羽毛丰满】 国富民强的反义词四字词语 〖国破家亡〗 〖国贫民弱〗 〖民困国贫〗 〖国已不国〗 〖羽毛未丰〗 〖民生凋敝〗 〖民穷财尽〗 〖水深火热〗 〖民困国穷〗 国富民强的近义词成语带有解释 〖民富国强〗: 人民富裕,国家强盛。 〖国富兵强〗: 国家富裕,军队强盛。 〖国泰民安〗: 国家太平,人民安乐。泰:平安,安定。 〖民殷国富〗: 殷:殷实,富足;阜:丰富。国家人民殷实富裕。 〖羽毛丰满〗: 小鸟的羽毛已经长全。比喻已经成熟或实力已强大。 国富民强的反义词四字词语带有解释 民生凋敝 [mínshēngdiāobì] 民生:人民的生计;凋敝:衰败,艰苦。社会穷困,经济衰败,人民生活极端困苦。 民困国贫 [mínkùnguópín] 人民困苦,国家贫穷。 羽毛未丰 [yǔmáowèifēng] 小鸟还未长成,身上的羽毛很稀。比喻还未成熟或力量还不够强大。《战国策·秦策一》:“寡人闻之,毛羽不丰满者,不可以高飞。”丰:丰满。 民穷财尽 [mínqióngcáijìn] 人民穷困,国家财富也消耗完了。 国破家亡 [guópòjiāwáng] 国家覆灭、家庭毁灭。 国已不国 [guóyǐbùguó] 一个国家已经不像一个国家。 水深火热 [shuǐshēnhuǒrè] 比喻百姓生活异常艰难痛苦。《孟子·梁惠王下》:“箪食壶浆以迎王师,岂有他哉?避水火也。如水益深,如火益热,亦运而已矣。” 关于国富民强的详细解释 guófùmínqiáng 【成语的意思和解释】--国家富足;人民强健。 【成语来源出自哪里】--汉赵晔《吴越春秋》:“民富国强,众安道泰。” 【成语繁体字写法】--國富民強 【成语拼音简写】--gfmq 【褒义还是贬义】--褒义性质的成语四字词语,用来赞美表扬人和事 【成语使用办法和性质】--联合式;作谓语、宾语;含褒义 【成语形式结构】--联合式成语 扩展阅读:用国富民强写一句话 (1)、河面宽阔波涛涌,无数龙舟过大江。旗帜飞舞龙头昂,鼓声阵阵耳畔响。船桨起舞水波漾,歌声入云多嘹亮。岸边摩肩接踵人,呐喊声声传四方。端午佳节齐庆贺,国富民强好家邦!祝端午快。 (1) the river is wide and surging, and countless dragon boats cross the river. The flag is flying, the dragon's head is high, and the drums are ringing. The oars are dancing, the water is rippling, and the singing is loud and clear. There are many people on the shore, shouting everywhere. Dragon Boat Festival celebrates, the country is rich and the people are strong! Wish the Dragon Boat Festival fast. (2)、神州飞扬,壮丽山河,举杯共饮,歌声嘹亮,气宇不凡,欢声笑语,国富民强,欢蹦乱跳,欢欢喜喜。 (2) China flying, magnificent mountains and rivers, drinking together, singing loud and clear, extraordinary, laughter, national prosperity and people's strength, jumping, joy. (3)、难忘九一八,恶狼侵家门。毁我河山,戮我同胞。国耻国难,铭记千古。国弱民哀,豺狼窥视。国富民强,兵戈难起。以史为鉴,兴国保家。齐心协力,共创华夏新辉煌! (3) unforgettable September 18, the wolf invades the family. Destroy my country, kill my people. National humiliation and national calamity are remembered forever. The country is weak, the people are sad, jackals are watching. The country is rich and the people are strong. Take history as a mirror, prosper the country and protect the family. Make concerted efforts to create new brilliance of China! (4)、国泰民安,是永远的期盼;国富民强,是奋斗的梦想;国色天香,是美丽的咏唱;国庆佳节,是快乐的重叠。万紫千红愿你享长假乐,万语千言祝君与幸福聚! (4) national stability and people's safety is the eternal expectation; national prosperity and people's strength is the dream of struggle; national color and natural fragrance is a beautiful chant; National Day is a happy overlap. Wish you enjoy the long holiday, wish you happiness together! (5)、文明礼仪之邦,奏起和谐乐章。低碳环保生活,绿色家园共创。盛世盛会盛情,中华神采尽显。科技教育农业,国富民强兴邦! (5) the land of civilization and etiquette plays a harmonious movement. Low carbon environmental protection life, green home to create. The grand occasion, the grand gathering and the Chinese spirit are fully displayed. Science and technology education, agriculture, national prosperity and prosperity! ![]() |