壮志未酬的近义词成语 【功败垂成】 【付之东流】 【事与愿违】 壮志未酬的反义词四字词语 〖如愿以偿〗 〖称心如意〗 〖马到成功〗 壮志未酬的近义词成语带有解释 〖付之东流〗: 把它投入东流的水中,一去不复返。比喻希望落空,成果丧失,前功尽弃。 〖功败垂成〗: 事情在快要成功的时候遭到失败。含有惋惜的意思。《晋书·谢玄传论》:“降龄何促,功败垂成。”垂:接近。 〖事与愿违〗: 事情的发展与愿望相反。晋嵇康《幽愤》诗:“事与愿违,遘兹淹留。” 壮志未酬的反义词四字词语带有解释 马到成功 [mǎdàochénggōng] 古时打仗,常以“旗开得胜,马到成功”祝愿迅速取得胜利。现在用来形容人一到那里,工作刚开始就取得成就。 称心如意 [chènxīnrúyì] 适合心意,愿望能得到满足。 如愿以偿 [rúyuànyǐcháng] 像所希望的那样得到满足。指愿望实现。 关于壮志未酬的详细解释 zhuàng zhì wèi chóu 【成语的意思和解释】--壮志:宏大的志愿;酬:实现。宏伟的志愿未能实现。 【成语来源出自哪里】--唐 李频《春日思归》:“壮志未酬三尺剑,故乡空隔万重山。” 【成语繁体字写法】--壯志未詶 【成语拼音简写】--zzwc 【褒义还是贬义】--中性成语词语,没有明显褒义贬义 【成语使用办法和性质】--主谓式;作谓语、定语、分句;形容志向没有实现 【成语形式结构】--主谓式成语 扩展阅读:用壮志未酬写一句话 (1)、昔年佳丽心澎湃,往事似烟复再来,五一把盏众入梦,携友吟歌萦自怀,细雨陈情落花声,青山依旧芳容在,满腹经纶话别离,壮志未酬又一载。祝君五一快乐,幸福开怀! (1) in the past, the beauty's heart is surging, the past seems to be coming back again, the May day people dream, sing songs with their friends, the drizzle and the falling flowers sound, the green hills are still in their faces, full of wisdom and wisdom, saying goodbye, another year of unfulfilled ambition. I wish you a happy May Day! (2)、乘风破浪由此始,壮志未酬誓不休。 (2) riding the wind and breaking the waves starts from this, and vows to never stop. (3)、人生苦短,有抱负的人往往急于事功,过于执着,因而大多数人的结局是“壮志未酬三尺剑,故乡空隔万重山。 (3) life is short, and aspiring people are often eager for success and too persistent, so the end of most people is "three feet sword, hometown is separated by mountains.". (4)、看到时代左右的人,也在左右这个时代(别克林荫大道),我无虫无病无害,就等着你来爱。我的心思,美的心思(美的),心静思远,志在千里(别克),壮志未酬,就差娶你。 (4) seeing people around the times is also about the times (Buick Boulevard), I'm not harmful, I'm waiting for you to love me. My mind, beautiful mind (beautiful), calm and far sighted, ambitious (Buick), ambitious, poor to marry you. (5)、是睹物思情?是为人世间悲欢离合?还是壮志未酬?大众点评张涛当众洒泪。 (5) is it to see things and think about feelings? Is it to be happy and sad in the world? Is it to be ambitious? Public comments: Zhang Tao shed tears in public. ![]() |