尽其所能的近义词成语 【不遗余力】 【竭尽所能】 【尽心竭力】 【竭尽全力】 尽其所能的反义词四字词语 〖没有相关词语〗 尽其所能的近义词成语带有解释 〖竭尽全力〗: 竭尽:用尽。用尽全部力量。 〖尽心竭力〗: 尽:全部用出;竭:用尽。用尽心思,使出全力。形容做事十分努力。 〖竭尽所能〗: 用尽自己的能力,尽可能的去帮助别人。 〖不遗余力〗: 《战国策·赵策三》:“秦之攻我也,不遗余力矣。”指毫无保留地使出全部力量。遗:保留。 尽其所能的反义词四字词语带有解释 【尽其所能】 关于尽其所能的详细解释 jìnqísuǒnéng 【成语的意思和解释】--能:能力。把所有本事都用上 【成语繁体字写法】--儘其所能 【褒义还是贬义】--中性成语词语,没有明显褒义贬义 【成语使用办法和性质】--作谓语、状语;指用尽全力 【成语形式结构】--动宾式成语 扩展阅读:用尽其所能写一句话 (1)、现在我们知道,鲁伯特或许只是一个糊涂的糟老头子,他儿子则是尽其所能支吾其词,而且显然整个事件已经让他的妻子邓文迪变得神经紧张。 (1) now we know that Rupert may be just a muddle headed old man, while his son does his best to prevaricate, and obviously the whole incident has made his wife Deng Wendi nervous. (2)、他们尽其所能去寻找,包括万帕诺亚格人的储备品。 (2) they tried their best to find the reserves of the Wampanoag people. (3)、马哈茂德捡拾了许多岩石,并往蟒蛇身上尽其所能地猛掷它们。 (3) Mahmoud picked up a lot of rocks and hurled them at the boa constrictor as hard as he could. (4)、援救者尽其所能给这群饿坏了的人提供食物,接着便开始将他们转移出危险地带。 (4) rescuers try their best to provide food for these starving people, and then begin to move them out of the danger zone. (5)、人们都在享受他们的梦幻,他们在梦中尽其所能的让梦境充满五彩缤纷的色彩,他们装饰梦境,并让自己沉醉不已。所以每当某种类似觉醒的状况发生时,人们却发现自己异常地可怜、悲惨,于是他们想要让自己沉沦于某些事或继续保持忙碌。这世界有无数的理由想要毁灭任何一位觉醒的人。 (5) people are enjoying their dreams. They try their best to make dreams full of colorful colors. They decorate their dreams and make themselves intoxicated. So whenever something similar to awakening happens, people find themselves extremely pitiful and miserable, so they want to let themselves sink into something or keep busy. There are countless reasons for the world to want to destroy anyone who awakens. ![]() |