国色天香的近义词成语 【沉鱼落雁】 【花容月貌】 【倾国倾城】 【秀色可餐】 【天姿国色】 【天香国色】 【闭月羞花】 【貌若天仙】 【羞花闭月】 国色天香的反义词四字词语 〖其貌不扬〗 国色天香的近义词成语带有解释 (一)、貌若天仙: (二)、天姿国色:天姿:天生的姿色;国色:女子美色冠绝全国。旧时形天姿国色 (三)、倾国倾城:倾:倾覆;城:国。原指因女色而亡国。后多形容妇女倾国倾城 国色天香的反义词四字词语带有解释 【国色天香】 关于国色天香的详细解释 guósètiānxiāng 【成语的意思和解释】--原指牡丹花色香俱佳;后又指女子容貌出众。 【成语来源出自哪里】--唐李濬《松窗杂录》:“臣尝闻公卿间多吟赏中书舍人李正封诗曰:天香夜染衣,国色朝酣酒。” 【成语繁体字写法】--國色天香 【成语拼音简写】--gstx 【褒义还是贬义】--褒义性质的成语四字词语,用来赞美表扬人和事 【成语使用办法和性质】--联合式;作宾语、定语;形容女性的美丽 【成语形式结构】--联合式成语 扩展阅读:用国色天香写一句话 (1)、(多情牡丹暖冬阳,国色天香思君郎,舒展花蕾含晨露,引来凤蝶送暗香,天地有情轻吟唱,羞红面颊飘芬芳。想你,就是倾城倾国的牡丹之歌,在我心里播放。 (1) the amorous peony is warm in winter, the national color is fragrant, I miss you, stretch out the flower buds, contain the morning dew, attract the butterflies to send the faint fragrance, the heaven and the earth are affectionate to sing softly, and the blushing cheeks are fragrant. Miss you, is the peony song, playing in my heart. (2)、(于是有了那粗犷豪放、圣火不息的奥林匹斯山脉,有了那永不干涸、奔腾不息的尼罗河,有了东京飘零伤逝的樱花,有了古城旧都国色天香的牡丹。 (2) so there are the wild and unrestrained Olympus mountains, the never dry and surging Nile River, the cherry blossom in Tokyo, and the peony in the old city. (3)、(斗艳争辉蛾眉皓齿飞阁流丹国色天香皓齿蛾眉。 (3); (3) the color of the country is bright and beautiful. (4)、(于大众而言,最有名的肖像画画师大概就是毛延寿了,为了一己私利,将国色天香的王昭君画得非常平庸,还点了个黑痣,使其与汉元帝无缘见面。 (4) for the public, Mao Yanshou is probably the most famous portrait painter. For his own self-interest, he painted Wang Zhaojun, who has a beautiful country, very mediocre. He also ordered a black mole, which made him unable to meet emperor yuan of the Han Dynasty. (5)、(国泰民安,是永远的期盼;国富民强,是奋斗的梦想;国色天香,是美丽的咏唱;国庆佳节,是快乐的重叠。万紫千红愿你享长假乐,万语千言祝君与幸福聚! (5) national stability and people's safety is the eternal expectation; national prosperity and people's strength is the dream of struggle; national color and natural fragrance is a beautiful chant; National Day is a happy overlap. Wish you enjoy the long holiday, wish you happiness together! ![]() |