山盟海誓的近义词成语 【信誓旦旦】 【金石之盟】 【海约山盟】 【海誓山盟】 【誓海盟山】 【誓山盟海】 【割臂同盟】 山盟海誓的反义词四字词语 〖见异思迁〗 山盟海誓的近义词成语带有解释 (一)、信誓旦旦:信誓:表示诚意的誓言;旦旦:诚恳的样子。誓言说得信誓旦旦 (二)、金石之盟: 山盟海誓的反义词四字词语带有解释 【山盟海誓】 关于山盟海誓的详细解释 shānménghǎishì 【成语的意思和解释】--形容盟誓像山、海一样永世不变。多表示对爱情的坚贞。 【成语来源出自哪里】--宋辛弃疾《南乡子赠妓》词:“别泪没些些,海誓山盟总是赊。” 【成语拼音简写】--smhs 【褒义还是贬义】--中性成语词语,没有明显褒义贬义批评或者赞美 【成语使用办法和性质】--联合式;作谓语;指坚定不移、永恒不变 【成语形式结构】--联合式成语 扩展阅读:用山盟海誓写一句话 (1)、想把天上月亮摘给你,想把最亮的星送给你。你是我天空最美那弯月,是你生命里永恒这颗星。不要这么多甜言蜜语,也不要一句山盟海誓。只愿今生一起,牵手平淡地过一生。 (1) I want to give you the moon and the brightest star. You are the most beautiful moon in my sky, the eternal star in your life. Don't say so many sweet words, and don't make a pledge. I just want to live together in this life, hand in hand. (2)、这世界就是很现实,也很讽刺,多少至情至深被这世界打得碎为齑粉,多少山盟海誓被这现实击得溃不成军。多少人爱的死去活来最后变得老死不相往来,又有多少我爱你变成了爱过你。莫峻 (2) the world is very realistic and ironic. How many people are deeply loved by the world, and how many people are defeated by the reality. How many people love life and death, and finally become old and dead, and how many I love you become loved you. Mo Jun (3)、不用山盟海誓,却能同结连理枝;不到天荒地老,却能白头偕老;不用海枯石烂,却能互敬互爱;不懂得缠缠绵绵,却能相亲相爱;这就是你我。亲爱的,快乐吗?七夕节,我快乐,希望你也。 (3) you don't need to make a vow, but you can tie a knot with each other; you can grow old together when you are not old; you can respect and love each other when you are not old; you can love each other when you don't know how to entangle; these are you and me. Honey, are you happy? Tanabata Festival, I am happy, I hope you too. (4)、深圳是个让人又爱又恨的城市。因为它坚硬的墙、冷漠的心,以及脆弱的生活再也没有坚不可摧的爱情,山盟海誓太容易被击溃,再坚固的感情也敌不过无处不在的诱惑。 (4) Shenzhen is a city that people love and hate. Because of its hard wall, indifferent heart, and fragile life, there is no more indestructible love, vows are too easy to be defeated, no matter how strong the feelings are, they can't resist the temptation everywhere. (5)、人生的聚会是一种缘分,有时分离也是一种爱的祝福。爱一个人最重要的也许不是山盟海誓和甜言蜜语,生活中的一些琐事,更能体现他对你的用情,那才是爱的密码。 (5) the gathering of life is a kind of fate, and sometimes separation is also a blessing of love. Perhaps the most important thing to love a person is not vows and sweet words. Some trivial things in life can better reflect his love for you. That's the code of love. ![]() |