喜逐颜开的近义词成语 【笑逐颜开】 喜逐颜开的反义词四字词语 〖愁眉苦脸〗 〖愁眉不展〗 喜逐颜开的近义词成语带有解释 【喜逐颜开】 喜逐颜开的反义词四字词语带有解释 愁眉不展 [chóuméibùzhǎn] 展:舒展。由于忧愁而双眉紧锁。形容心事重重的样子。 愁眉苦脸 [chóuméikǔliǎn] 形容愁苦的神情。 关于喜逐颜开的详细解释 xǐ zhú yán kāi 【成语的意思和解释】--逐:追随;颜:脸面,面容。形容十分喜悦,满脸笑容。 【成语来源出自哪里】--明·冯梦龙《醒世恒言》第35卷:“那主人家得了些小便宜,喜逐颜开,一如前番,悄悄先打发他转身。” 【成语繁体字写法】--喜逐顔開 【成语拼音简写】--xzyk 【褒义还是贬义】--褒义性质的成语,用来赞美一个人和事情 【成语使用办法和性质】--作谓语、宾语、状语;指十分高兴 【成语形式结构】--主谓式成语 扩展阅读:用喜逐颜开写一句话 (1)、欧阳晔和智云几个听说陈轩没事,个个喜逐颜开。 (1) Ouyang ye and Zhiyun are very happy when they hear that Chen Xuan is OK. (2)、想到今后能够跟着瓦奇学习魔法,这不能不让肖利异常兴奋,但高兴的不仅仅是只有他一个,康恩同样如此,想着以后又能多一个朋友,康恩比肖利还要喜逐颜开。 (2) the thought of learning magic with watts in the future makes sholey very excited, but he is not the only one who is happy, and so is Conn. conn is more happy than sholey when he wants to have another friend in the future. (3)、略一观看,有后金军留下的帐篷,各种盔甲兵器,还有诸多的马匹等物质,件件都是让众人喜逐颜开,忽然韩仲大叫道:啊,银子,是银子啊,哈哈哈,这么多的银子。 (3) after a brief look, there are tents left by the Hou Jin army, all kinds of armor and weapons, and a lot of horses and other materials, all of which make everyone happy. Suddenly Han Zhong yells: ah, silver, it's silver, ha ha ha, so much silver. (4)、我一看,是黑子,顿时喜逐颜开,连忙过去帮忙,瞎子顺手拿过黑子戴的黑眼镜轻轻戴上。 (4) as soon as I saw that it was sunspot, I was so happy that I rushed to help. The blind man took sunspot's black glasses and put them on gently. (5)、虎啸对着龙飞喜逐颜开的说道。 (5) Huxiao says happily to Longfei. ![]() |